𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐲 𝒛𝒐𝒏𝒆

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"Your not going, having you gotten in enough shit already?" Elijah says
"Why would she call and give me it if it wasn't important?" I say,
I'm going wether he likes it or not.
"Ivy don't be stupid" Elijah says as he pulls the map from me,
shoving it in his pocket.
"Give it!" I say as i try to get it from him.
He grabs my wrist tightly,
I gasp,
when he realizes he removes his grip.
"Your not fucking going."
i can hear anger in his voice.
"stop treating me like a fucking robot machine! i make my own dam choices and if you don't like that get lost!" I yell as i slam the door and walk downstairs,
"Don't you walk away from me!" Elijah yells.
"IVY!" He yells,
The tone.
The voice.
my entire body stopped processing.
i froze.
i turned around.
"Listen i.." How do i tell him i miss my abusive mom?
how do i tell him i miss her
and that i wanna hug my mother?
How do i confront to him that i have a dead brother and that this.
this might be it?
That this is the moment i find him?
"I.." Spit it out ivy! come on!
"I have a brother." I say looking down at the floor.
"He uhm.." My eyes get glossy.
A tear forms.
"He died around 3 years ago" I sniffle.
"Some guy that he owed debt to killed him" I cry out
"And i just, i just " i shut my eyes
Remembering the flashbacks.
The horrible memories.
"I just." I inhale.
"I just need to see his body." I exhale.
"They want me to sign a paper that his dead, i never did." I say fidgeting my hands.
"we never found his body" I say so low it sounds like a whisper.
"I just wanna know if Eli's dead,
If.. if he's in peace." I say.
My voice cracks in-between every word.
I want to look at Elijah's face,
See what he thinks.
But i cant manage to.
I stood there for a solid minute.
I walk to Elijah,
and bury my face in his chest.
I sob quietly.

She's crying,
really quietly,
i'm guessing she doesn't want me to know she's crying.
I wrap my arms around her and sit on the couch with her,
I move her face up,
so she can look at me
I brush my thumb over he cheek wiping her tear.
I tuck her hair behind her ear.
"We'll figure it out" I say as i look at her glossy shiny eyes.
He mascara smeared on my grey sweatshirt and on her face.
He nose is scrunched up and red.
He lips are dry and swollen,
but she still manages to look beautiful.

"I'm okay" I say.
"Are you?" I ask Elijah.
"Am i?" Elijah mocks.
"I'm the devil" Elijah says sarcastically with a creepy voice.
It makes me giggle.
I think im gonna go make food.
"You hungry?" I ask
"No god please" Elijah says Begging.
"What?" I raise a brow.
"Your foods like super bad!" Elijah says,
He covers his mouth with his hand.
"Elijah!" I throw a pillow at him.
A smile appears on his face but goes within a second.
"Come" I grab his hand and walk him to the kitchen.
He sits me up on the counter and leans in to kiss me.
But he doesn't.
God, he is so confusing! I mean he turns me on then just.. poof.
I pull his collar and kiss him on the lips.
I can feel his brows raise.
He's shocked.
He wraps one arm around my waist supporting my back,
And one holding my chin.
He kisses me slowly,
and passionately,
It's a slow, take your time kinda kiss.
I love it.
He slides his arm under my shirt,
And his cold rings meet my skin.
I let out a gasp.
His thumb brushes my waist as he kisses my neck.
I push him lightly and jump off the counter,
"I wanna make food" I say as i open the drawers looking for something.
"Let's go eat at the new chinese restaurant" Eli says as he grabs a cup of water.
"you'd take me there?" I say pouting.
"If you keep that face on, no" Eli mocks.
I roll my eyes and head upstairs.
"I'm gonna go change!" I yell as i enter the room.
i open the cabinet and grab Eli's Sweat pants and grab a cute 'nirvana' crop top i got.
I put them on and brush my hair down as i wet the edges so they can settle.
i wear some black socks and top it all off with the new Jordan's Eli bought me.
I go to the bathroom and grab my foundation dabbing a little around my forehead. (covering the acne.)
and i grab my lipgloss and put some.
I make my way down as i see Eli sitting on the couch with his phone in his hands.
He's wearing a baggy black jacket and a grey shirt that fits him so perfectly.
Some blue jeans and some nike's.
"Hey" I say.
"You ready?" He says as he gets up,
I can see a little smile grow on his face as he leans in and kisses me.
"I love when you apply this strawberry lipgloss." He says as he licks his lips.
I let out a little giggle
"Another kiss" he leans in
"no no no" I laugh out as i put my hand on his mouth,
He starts mimicking as if my hand is my lip,
I've never seen Elijah this happy,
This side of him.
Oh my, oh my,
i love it.
I hear a door open,
"God Elijah get a room!" Kimberly yells as she closes the door holding a shit ton of bags.
Elijah grabs the bags and lays them on the couch as he hugs her.
We haven't seen Kim since the..
"Kim!" I squeal
Kim runs and hugs me.
"Hey!" She says patting my head.
"I got you a bunch of clothes, since you reek of Elijah's" She fake gags.
I tuck her finger in the tomato sauce i made and put it in her mouth.
"mm!" Kim says as she tries to scoop another finger.
"no double dipping kim!" I say as i smack her hand.
"Eli you wanna try?" I say as i mix it.
"Mm oo yeah Eli try my tomato sauce" Kim fake moans as she pretends to make out with herself.
"Shut up" I giggle.
"Yea" Elijah says as he moves towards me. and the tomato sauce.
Before i can put his finger in he grabs my arm and dips my finger.
He licks the sauce off of my finger.
"mm" He says as he swallows it.
"It's great, wow. you made this?" He raises his brow as he looks at me.
"Mercî" A little bloom of blush flows on my cheeks.

12:30 PM
"I just came here to drop these, i need to head back to the institution" Kim says as she walks down the stairs.
Me and Eli are resting on the couch as he plays with my hair.
I get up and look at her.
"Already?" I pout.
"I'll come by soon" Kim says as she kisses my cheek.
"Bye hun" She says walking to the door.
"Bye Elijah" She says closing the door.
I walk back to the couch and rest my head on Eli's chest.
We're watching 'SCREAM2'
I let out a gasp.
"Oh my god lock the door! Lock the dooooorrrr!!!!" I cry out.
"What a dumbass. Just stab him" Elijah says rolling his eyes.
"Not everyone knows how to deal with a knife idiot" I roll my eyes.
"What's that attitude?" Elijah says as he pulls me and throws me down and tackles me.
"What?" I say in a annoyed tone.
He starts tickling me.
"Eli!" I laugh out.
"Say sorry" He says smiling.
"Elijahhhh!!" A tear falls from how much laughter's going on.
Elijah laughs along as i start punching his chest.
I laugh out.
"Okay i'm sorry! im sorry!" I snort out.
"What was tha-" Elijah gets cut off by his phone ringing.
He gets up and i hold his arm.
"mmmm" I shake my head.
"I have to take it" He pouts.
He gives me a fast peck on the lips and grabs the phone.
I get up and walk to the kitchen and Open the fridge.
I grab a coke and tap it open.
"What?" Elijah yells.
I walk out and find Elijah wearing his shoes and coat.
"Hey, i have to go i'll be right back okay?" Eli says reassuring me.
"Where?" I say.
"Just.." He exhales.
"Somewhere." He says as he opens the door.
"Okay" I say silently as i walk up to the kitchen.

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