𝐵𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑑

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I'm Laying on the couch watching "How to get away with murder" It's actually pretty entertaining.
I hear Elijah's keys get thrown on the table.
"You plannin a murder?" Elijah Mocks with a smirk
"haha" I roll my eyes and get up
I give him a peck on the lips and walk to the kitchen.
"Hungry?" I ask
"Don't we have maids for that?" Elijah says.
I hit him on the chest.
"I told them to leave for a vacation" I say
"And they are not your slaves!" I yell as i walk back to the fridge.
"You sure about that?" He says in a seductive tone.
i feel his arms wrap around my waist from behind as he rests his head on my shoulder.
he marks a kiss on my shoulder, making his way down.
"Did you find out who they where?" i ask in a sad tone.
He stops.
He twirls me around and looks me in the eyes with a "this again" look.
"No." He says looking at me.
"Not even a hint?" I ask
"No." He says again.
Just a simple, stupid, naive, ~no~.
"Elijah, are you sure?" I ask as i move towards him making him hit the counter behind.
"I'm sure" He says not breaking eye contact.
"You wouldn't lie to me.." I say trailing my hands down his button-up.
"would you?" i squeeze his thigh.
I can hear a groan.
He walks towards me, making me hit the counter behind me.
"You don't trust me?" He says as he raises me up making me sit on the counter.
"I trust you" I say inhaling a rush of air.
"I didn't find the identity.." He says as he trails his fingers up my leggings.
"But i killed them" He says as he tries to take my leggings off.
"Dude!" I say as i push him off.
I slide down the counter and look at him.
"I'm wearing leggings" I say as i point to my leggings.
"And i'm cooking"
I point to the pan of onions.
"And we're in the kitchen." I say.
"Let's take it upstairs" He smirks as he leans.
"When i finish cooking." I twirl and i grab the spatula and stir the onions.
"Ivy" He says in a very sexy on my god tone.
"Elijah" I say back.
in a.. me tone?
"You can't turn me on then decline me." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.
I slap his arms with a spatula.
"ow!" He groans as he wiggles his arm around.
"Go change you reek of sweat" I say as i grab some tomatoes.
I chop some tomatoes and throw them.
huh? i wash my hands and dry them with a towel and head to the living room.
I grab my phone and look at the number..
Random number?.
probably a spam call.
I throw my phone in my pocket and go back to the kitchen.
Before i can grab my pasta the phone rings again.
"Hello?" I say as i taste the sauce.
Yuck. try again.
"Hello????" i say again
"yeah okay bye" Before i hang up i hear a voice.
"mom?..." I whisper
"Ivy honey" my mom sounds relieved.
"Your alive?" I ask
"No im dead" She mocks
"Honey oh my god" My mom says.
"What do you want mom?" I say as i grab a spoon.
"and how do you know about the accident?" I say as i chew on bread.
"He didn't tell you?" My mom says in a low tone.
"Who didn't tell me what?" I stop doing what i'm doing.
"Elijah he didn't-"
"Who you callin?" Elijah says heading down the stairs.
I point a "quiet" look at Elijah
"Elijah didn't tell me what mom?" i say as i lower the fire on the soup.
I can see Elijah's Face.
He looks surprised.
But do you blame him?
"Honey i didn't know that-"
I cut my mom off.
"Cut the bullshit mom, don't "honey" "darling" me. get to the fucking point" i blurt out as i grab a whisk.
Elijah standing still.
"Hang it up" I hear Eli say.
"mom?" I say on the phone.
"Hmph. Really? mom?" I hang up the phone and throw it on the counter and put the whisk down as i make my way toward Eli.
"What is it you have to tell me?" I say looking up at him.
"And why is my psychotic-bitch-of-a-mom calling?" I say..
"After Years?" I continue.
"She paid them to kill you" Elijah says, blankly.
no emotions whatsoever.
my mom did what?
"What?" I ask
"Your Mother paid the men to kill you, i was never meant to be there. the gunshot was supposed to be for you, The whole set-up." Elijah says still staring at me.
I feel a tear forming but i hold it in.
"How long" I ask with a voice crack coming along.
He dosent reply.
He looks down and runs his fingers threw his hair.
"How long Eli?" I ask in a clearer tone.
He doesn't answer.
"Please don't tell me you knew when it happened" i break down.
"Please don't tell em you kept it from me for that long" I say as i wipe a tear.
"Ivy" Elijah says as he gets closer.
"How fucking dare you!" I cry-out.
"I cried to you about my Mother! and about how i might forgive her! and you didn't tell me she set me up to be fucking killed?!" I yell in frustration as i throw my hair down from the stupid tied up pony tail.
God that has been bothering me all fucking day.
I throw the tie on the ground and walk back to the soup.
Deep breaths Ivy.
"Get out" I say.
"i'm not leaving" Elijah says.
God i hate his stubborn strong ass!
"LEAVE!" I yell a little too loud.
"Watch your tone Ivy" He warns.
"Get the fuck out of here Elijah because i won't budge to hurt you."
I warn back.
He gets closer.
I pull the Pistol-black skimmed gun from my thigh-aid and point it toward his downer stomach.
He doesn't flinch.
Before i can do shit he grabs my wrist making me drop the gun.
"Fucking bitch" I mumble under my breath
"What was that?" Elijah says as he grips his arms around my wrist.
"Watch your Tone Ivy" Elijah warns.
"Or what?" I raise a brow.
"Fix the attitude before i fuck it out of you." Elijah says as he leans closer making our bodies touch.
A small gasp runs through my mouth.
"I'm sorry about your Mom, She's a fuck-up. I didn't tell you because i didn't want to make you sadder than you already where." Eli Says as he puts his hand in my chin raising it upwards for me to face him.
"~im sorry Ivy forgive me~ Fuck you" i mock as i push him away and grab a whisk.
Before i reach the bowl Elijah grabs my neck and pushes me towards the end of the kitchen to a wall.
"I hate saying sorry" Elijah says as he grips my throat.
I let out a gasp because of his cold silver rings touch around my waist.
His arm goes under my shirt up to my bra. He un-do's my bra And trail his fingers down my stomach.
"And i hate being talked over" He whispers into my ear as he bites my earlobe.
Oh fuck.
"Elijah the food-"
"I don't care about the food." Elijah says as he kisses my lips slowly as his tongue teases mine.
His lips move down to my neck trailing kisses all over my neck.
"But the soup is gonna get ruined" i gasp out.
"Enough about soup." He says as he pushes me towards the couch.
He slowly stars getting on-top of me as he continues trailing kisses all over my neck.
He grabs my shirt and pulls it off and throws it across the room.
"Fuck" He groans as he scans my cleavage.
"Your already hard" I say as i look him up and down with a smirk.
He starts placing kisses all over me and before i know it my pants are off.
I'm in my bra and undies.
Elijah's shirt is off but his jeans are on.
Elijah's hands land on my thighs.
He grabs my thigh as i moan out his name.
"Wait" I say as i sit back up.
Elijah raises a brow at me.
"Your wound" I say touching his chest.
"Ivy it's fine" Elijah says as he kisses my neck.
"What are we gonna do about dad?" I exhale deeply.
Elijah pauses what he's doing and gets up and sits beside me.
"I don't know" Elijah says as he sighs.
"I'm sorry i really wanna do this but it's just-" I get cut off by my phone ringing.
Elijah's eyes quickly go to the phone and back to me.
I grab the phone and look at the ID.
"It's not dad" i say as i pick the phone up.
"Hello?" I say as i get up and put some socks on.
I can feel Elijah's eyes on me.
"Ivy?" A young female whispers onto the phone.
"Hi?" I ask in a questionable tone.
"Ivy is this you?"
"Who is this?" I pause and look at Elijah.
"It's me" A little girl says says on the phone..
"Who?" I say on the phone.
"Listen, i cant call mom and dad are here, but i need to tell you this." The girl whispers on the phone.
I can hear her sliding through what sounds like a notebook.
"West side elm street" Sophia whispers.
"What's that?" i ask in confusion.
"Write it down!" She yell-whispers.
"Okay!" I say as i grab a paper.
I open the drawer and grab a pen and write it down.
"Suzie monroe" She whispers on the phone.
"You need suzie monroe" She whispers again.
"Who's suzie and why do i need her?" I ask.
"I cant answer that!" She whispers
"Just ask for suzie monroe. and please Ivy, bring a masculine man with you" She whispers.
I let out a little giggle.
"I will bring a masculine man" I say
"WHERE?" I hear background noise.
"Shit gotta go" She whispers
as i hang up.
I watch as Ivy moves around the room looking for something.
"What are you looking for?" I ask as i get up moving towards her.
"I need to find.." She gasps
"Aha!" She says in victory as she grabs a wrapped almost-ripped paper.
I raise a brow at her.
"What.. is .. that??" I ask slowly making sure i'm looking at what she's looking.
She's holding a map,
A weird old map.
"The girl, you remember the girl that you rescued?" She asks as she scribbles something on the map.
She's circling and Putting x's everywhere.
"Sophia?" I say as i look at the map.
"Mhm" She says holding a black thin pen and a blue pen on her ear.
"She said a name that's so familiar.. 'Suzie Monroe' I just can't remember who she is,
she also gave me an address and told me i needed to go." She says as she hold open the map and points at the X
"Suzie monroe..?" I ask confused.
"That's a odd name" I say
"Exactly" She says in a 'what have i been saying' look.

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