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Elijah's POV

i walk down the stairs as i see ivy dancing in the kitchen.
"la la la!" ivy yells as she stirs the pot.
i wrap my hands around her waist slowly resting my head to her neck.
"hey" i say as she turns around.
pushed my hands off
"hey" she mocks as she rolls her eyes and walks away.
"what's with the attitude?" i say raising a brow.
"we aren't dating, stop acting like we are"
she says grabbing a knife and some cucumbers.
What is she talking about?
Why's she acting like such a little bra-
"stop thinking" Ivy says looking at me.
"i don't know what your thinking so stop thinking" She says pouring some soup onto a bowl and sliding it across the table.
"i stopped thinking" i give her a little smile and grab a spoon.
"so..." she says jumping up and down like a kid.
"what do you think?" she says
"you can try painting?" i joke.
"Elijah!" she pouts.
"I'm kidding!!!" i say with a little laugh.
"it's great" i smile.

Ivy's POV.

I'm sitting in Elijah's bed with a pen and a paper.
My scar healed,
But i still feel pain when i walk.
I hear the door open so i turn my head up and see Elijah.
"get up." he commands.
"or what?" i laugh out
"Ivy get the fuck up!" He yells
managing to make me flinch.
I get up quickly but before i can say anything he grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs.
"wear a coat your breast's are not for everyone to see" Elijah yells as he grabs the keys.
"I'm wearing a TankTop!" i yell back in frustration.
i grab a jacket i found,
put it on,
Wear my shoes,
and leave.
I enter the car and put my seatbelt and Elijah drives.
"El why are you driving so fast?"
i yell in frustration.
"El? Nice new nickname" he says calmly.
Why is he calm?!
What the hell is happening?!!??
"Ivy, we are in war. and your involved. you stay with me at all costs am i clear?" He says.
"War?" i ask in confusion.
"Leo's company stole 1.5 million dollars from our savings and killed cole." (cole's one of his men)
i cover my mouth in shock of what i just heard.
"And he wants you, he killed my men as a threat. it's a threat."
he says gripping on his wheel harder.
"Elijah it's okay, i'm safe" i reassure him.
"No! No! No!" he says hitting the wheel over and over..
"It's not.." he inhales "it's not okay" he says exhaling.
"you have to hide if they find you-" i cut him off.
"no! i'm tired of hiding, i'm not hiding anymore elijah." i yell back.
"yes the fuck you are!" he yells.
"no! i dont need you to protect me i can protect myself!" i yell in frustration.
"Fine!" he yells.
"Fine!" i yell back looking out the window.

It's been 20 minutes of silence.
The car stops at a gas station.
He leaves the car and pumps that gas.
He comes to my window and knocks it as a gesture for me to lower the window.
i do as he says.
"I'm just trying to take care of you" He says as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"i know" i whisper looking down.
He pecks my forehead and walks back to the gas.
"If your hungry go grab a snack from inside" He yells for me to hear.
"Okayy" i mummble as i take the seat belt off and open the car door.
I walk towards the store and look around,
What do i get?
Honestly i'm feeling sweet than salty.
I Walk to the Chocolate aisle and look around.
"Everyone get down!" i hear a man yell.
i cant see who yelled but i can hear.
Where's Eli?? What do i do.
I sit on the floor and look out the window.
I try controlling my breath but i struggle.
The horrible flashbacks.. ..

"Fucking whore!"
"stop it!" I cry out as he shoots the wall behind me.
"Your a Slut!" he yells throwing everything.
"I'm going to fucking kill you!"
"please stop it!" i cry out.
"I'm just a kid!" i cry.

"Hey, hey." Elijah whispers as he hugs me from behind.
"Listen to me" He says holding my chin with his warm hands.
"They found us, and They won't leave until we give a fight" He says.
Elijah sounds afraid.
"It's only me and you." he says,
"If anything happens, You run." he demands.
"Am i clear ivy?" he says looking for a answer.
I open my mouth but nothing comes out.
It's like i lost my voice..
Like i'm lost of words.
"Ivy" he says in a serious tone.
I hold his arms together looking him in the eyes.
"This is our fight" i say tearing up.
"Our fight Elijah. not yours." i reassure him.
"I'm here, I'm with you" i rest my forehead on his.
He pulls out a gun from the back of his jeans and puts it in-between my belt.
"sure?" He says looking at me
"i'm sure." I say.
I tie my hair up in a ponytail and get up wiping the tears.
I can hear yelling and shooting.
"Where are you?" The guy yells as he pushes down shelves.
"Here" Elijah yells as he shows himself.
He looks at me with a "Dont move" Look.
"well, well, well.." The man says with a little chuckle in his tone.
"If it isn't Elijah.." He says playing with his gun.
"Your not gonna have her." Elijah says with a smirk.
The man Re-loads his gun and points it at Elijah too fast for Elijah to pull out his gun.
"Fuck" Elijah mutters under his breath.
"Where's the girl?" The man says.
Elijah let's put a chuckle,
"Go to hell" Elijah says looking at him.
I can do this.
Before the man pulls the trigger i pull the gun and point it at him.

"Looking for me?" I say with a little smirk.
"I didn't know you had it in you ivy" Elijah says with a proud look.
"I'm full of surprises" I say loading my gun.
"Put the gun down" I tell the man.
He looks like he's in his 30's-40's.
Grey hair, Hazel eyes, 6,3-6,4 , beard.
Thick Italian accent.
He clenches his jaw.
"You think i came here alone?" He says whistling.
I can feel someone's arm wrap around my waist.
"Put the gun down" I hear a females voice whisper in my ear.
"Fuck you" I turn around and smack The side of her head with gun.
"Fair fight darling" She says pulling a gun.
"Ivy don't" Elijah yells.
"I can do this" i say exhaling.
I kick her gun with my leg letting it slide to the end of the store.
Her first instinct was to punch me,
I can sense it.
She punches the right side of my cheek making me drop my gun.
Not that far.
I can hear Elijah and the guy fighting behind me.
I pull her hair and kick her waist making her fall.
I get on top of her and punch her cheek.
She kicks my stomach with her leg making me fall.
She gets on top and starts punching my face.
I cant breath.
Come on ivy!
Pull yourself together.
I grab her throat and twist my leg around her's and push her beside me.
I up as fast as she does.
She grabs a glass from behind her and Before i can react she smashes it on my head.
"fuck!" I yell.
She tries to get on top of me but i manage to push her with the strength i have left.
I grab the broom behind my and hit her with it.
i get up and break the broom's wood into 2.
i throw one far away and grab the sharp side and point it at her stomach.
"who are you?" I say coughing blood.
"Fuck you" she giggles
I push the broom further down her stomach as she yells in pain.
"WHO ARE YOU?" I yell louder.
"Go to hell bitch!" She yells as she grabs my gun from beside her and hits my head.
before any of us react i hear a loud gunshot.
i turn around finding Elijah on the floor.
"Go!" The man yells at the girl.
no, no..
"Elijah?" My voice breaks as i make my way near him.
"Please." i cry out looking at him.
"Ivy" He manages to let out.
"No shh" i shush him as i grab a towel form the shelf.
I run to the Medical shelf and grab a med kit.
I wrap the towel around the wound and throw some Hygiene on it.
Elijah winces in pain.
"It's okay, your gonna be okay" I look at him freaking out.
"Ivy run, they're gonna come back" Elijah whispers.
"i'm not leaving you" My voice breaks as i hold his face wiping a little tear.
I've never seen Elijah like this.
"Please ivy" he whispers
"Stop eli" I look at him.
"I'm gonna call help." I assure him as i look for his phone around the ground.
I grab it and call the only person that comes up in my mind.

"Lea?" My voice breaks
"Ivy? Omg ivy where are you?" Lea says completely worried.
"Lea Elijah he-" I break down.
"We got your location, we're coming." Lea assures Me.
"Everything's gonna be okay" Lea says as she hangs up.

"I'm so sorry" I rest Elijah's head on my chest as i run his hair.
"Your gonna be okay" i whisper as i kiss his forehead.
"Your gonna be fine" i kiss his lips..

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