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"No move the flowers a bit" I say as i bite my nails.
"Dude, i've never seen you so .. nervous" Argent comments.
"Shut up" I send him a glare.
For the past month,
I've visited every shop,
every store,
Every town,
to find ivy a ring that..
Represents her.
I got a ring but i dont like it.
It's not of a promise ring.
"Go buy the poison ring i wanted in the first place Argent" I say as i throw my wallet at him.
I'm gonna get ivy a silver ring that has a stone in the middle,
The stone is injected with poison ivy,
A killing plant.
And in the back of the ring,
It says..
'even this cant keep my hands off of you'
I wanna surprise her and ask her to marry me,
On her birthday.


"yeah i'm on my way home now" I say through the phone.
"No left!" I yell at the driver.
"Okay bye" I hang up the phone.
"Here?" The taxi says.
"Mhm, thanks" I say as i grab some cash i left in my bag incase.
I open the door and make my way in.
"Baby?" I say as i take off my heels,
My hoops,
Everything that's killing me.
"Elijah?" I say as i try to open the lights.
"Ivy?" I hear Elijah yell from afar.
"I'm down!" I yell back.
"What's with the electricity?" I ask as i open the flash of my phone.
"I don't fucking know!" He roars.
I feel someone's hands wrap around my waist.
Heavy breathing on my neck.
It's not Elijah.
"Get off of me!" I yell as i try to get off.
"Ivy?!" I hear footsteps from upstairs.
Before i can do anything,
A loud ring hits my ears.
It's white for a second,
The lights go on,
It's me and Elijah, The windows broken.
"What was that?" I ask Elijah.
His eyes are wide open and he looks like he's about to cry.
"Elijah?" I say as i look down.
My entire cloth is covered in blood.
"Fuck" I mumble as i fall to the floor.
"Fuck! ivy? ivy, listen" I hear Elijah's voice echo in my head.
"Stay awake"
"I'm so sorry Ivy please stay with me" The voice echoes over and over.
"it's okay" I breath out.
"No, no, i can fix this" Elijah's voice breaks out.
"It's okay" I breath out again.
I feel as if i'm floating.
Not in a good way.
"HELP!" Elijah roars.
"Stay with me!" Elijah says.
"till death and.." I breath out
"Forever?" I breath out.
"no Ivy, No" Elijah cries out.
"Please baby, Please." He cries.
"I got you a ring, s-" He struggles to grab something from his pocket.
"See?" He brings out a gorgeous silver ring with green ivy in the middle.
I raise my finger slowly.
He puts it in my finger and kisses my forehead.
I can feel his tears.
"i love you" I mumble.
Before i can hear anything.
Everything goes black.


"no, ivy no please" My breath is shaking, i feel like i lost half of me.
I grab her face and try to open her eyes.
"Ivy please" i press my forehead on hers.
"Elijah shes-" I cut argent off
"No!" I yell as i try to do CPR on her.
Argents hands wrap around with another hand and pulls me away.
"She's gone Elijah!" Argent yells.
i breath out slowly..
"she's.." i cant even finish it.
no, i cant.
I sit back on the floor and kiss her forehead.
"Most ivy. I love you most" I say as tears fall down.


"her funerals in a couple, come on" Lea says as she wipes her tear.
"I'm not going" I say as i check the papers.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Lea yells.
I look up at her and repeat the exact same fucking thing i just said becuase this bitch must be deaf.
"" I slowly say.
"You know what Eli? she's dead, okay? She's not coming back! so please just" She breathes out.
"Come" she says as she leaves the office.
I open my drawer and grab a box.
Scrolling through it i find a small notebook,
'Don't touch asshole' i let out a giggle.
It's her diary, Ofcourse it is.
I open it..

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