𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑦

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              •••ELIJAH'S POV•••

Ivy's sleeping on the bed and i'm sitting in the kitchen with a pile of paper laying on the counter,
"Jeffrey.." I whisper-think...
I made up that word.
"Kayla mikel-" I cut my self off with a huff.
"No" I sigh out.
I look around at the pile of pictures on the counter,
One of them caused this,
I'm gonna find out who.
"Elijah?" I hear ivy's soft voice yell out from the stairs.
I put the papers on the back so he writing doesn't show.
"Yeah?" I say as i clear my throat.
"I uh" Ivy shows from the dark with her perfectly dull eyes and smooth hair falling down her waist,
Her oversized pants and her white tank top perfectly matching with avocado socks.
"I cant sleep alone" She says as she fidgets her hand.
"Oh uhm" I say as i slide my phone in my pocket.
"Okay. i'll be right there" I say with a small smile.
She heads back upstairs and i grab a beer and pop it open.
I never wanted this,
I never wanted all this,
All i ever wanted was to be a normal kid and live a normal life,
I dont want the mafia,
But my fathers a dick.
He took my childhood.
I put the cup down and i walk up the stairs,
I see my LED LIGHTS on in my room,
I walk in and Ivy's on the bed,
Her gorgeous hair covering her face,
Her arms wrapped around her self and her legs all cuddled up.
I take out my phone, my wallet and my pocket pistol,
put them on my night stand,
and i sit on the bed as i run my fingers through my hair.
I lay down on the bed and stare at the roof.
I never liked sleeping.
Everytime time i sleep, all i see is my fucked up future.
I feel Ivy's hand wrap around my waist as she lays her head in my chest.
"I love you" she mumbles.
Her soft voice echoes in my head,
Butterflies and sparkles in my stomach,
Oh how lucky i am to have a girl like her.
"most" I say as kiss her forehead,
I play with her hair.
Slowly causing myself to fall asleep.


I'm in the bathroom, brushing my teeth.
I can hear Eli on the phone in the room.
He wasn't in a good mood the other day,
it worries me.
I spit the mint paste and grab a tissue and wipe my mouth.
I walk out and open the closet,
Grabbing a 'NYC' Hoodie
and my favorite pair of shorts.
I take off my tank revealing my bra,
I can see Eli staring at me.
"Staring is rude you know" I say as i turn around to face him with a grumpy expression.
"mmm" He groans as he gets up and corners me.
"Elijah, i'm cold, i need hoodie protection" I say as i try to push him.
"Let me help" He says as he grabs the hoodie from my hand.
He places a kiss on my lips,
On my chin,
My neck,
He slowly places a kiss on my chest,
Kneeling down to kiss my stomach,
He grabs my waist with his cold arms making me gasp.
He puts the hoodie over my head,
falling to my waist,
He runs his hand through my waist for a solid minute.
He gets up and puts my hair behind my ear,
"I love you" He mumbles as he kisses me,
The room is filled with sparkles,
Even tho he has kissed me before,
It still feels like the first time.
"I love you" I get out between his kisses.
"most?" he asks as he kisses my neck.
He pulls me to the bed and lays me down,
"most" i say as brushes his thumb along my jaw.
"Halloweens tomorrow you know"
I say as he continues kissing me.
"mhm" His tongue teases mine as he bites my lip slowly letting go.
"let's be vampires" I say as i roll on top of him,
touching his lips,
"Imagine if your lips where filled with blood and stuff" I say,
really imagining how hot he would look in a vamp suit.
"let's become mafia killers" He winks at me.
"I'm serious!" I say as i fall beside him.
"I'm serious too" He says as he turns to the side to face me.
"what do mafia killers wear?" I question.
He looks at hisself up and down.
"no shirt, and sweats?" He says in a questioning tone.
"Or we can be Tate and Violet!" I say picturing American horror stories best characters.
"Who and who?" He says as he gets up.
"Oh my god Eli you haven't watched it?" I say as i fake gasp.
"Elijah, and no" he corrects as he stand infront of me.
"Eli, and you need to" I sit up but before i can get up he pushes me back down.
"Elijah, my names Elijah" He says as he grabs my arms and puts them on top of my head.
"okay, Eli" i give him a challenging look.
He grips my arms with one hand while his other one slides up my shorts making me let out a little moan.
"ELIJAHHH" Justin yells from down
"Justin's downstairs, no!" I say as i try to push him off.
"Say it" He says.
"Eli" I glare at him.
He pulls my shorts down,
And slides down,
Slowly feeling his tongue around,
Teasing. A sudden pain comes across, a bite sensation.
I let out a moan.
"shhh" He says.
"Stop" I moan out.
"Say it" He says looking up at me.
I feel two fingers slide inside me making let out a loud gasp.
"Elijah!" I yell out,
Cumming all over him.
"Good" He says as he slides back up kissing me,
Making sure i taste myself.
He grabs tissues and wipes me and raises my shorts back up,
"Coming!" Elijah yells as he makes His way down,
But before leaving,
He winks the cheesiest wink i've seen him wink. Like ever.

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