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i just put ivy and sofia [the little girl] to bed. ivy's in horrible shape.
her hairs cut.
her eyes bruised.
her legs shot.
sofia's okay. they hit her but it isnt very bad so she'll be okay.
"how's she doin?" argent says
"i dont fucking know argent" i say hitting my hand on the table.
"sorry" argent says leaving the room.
i put my head on the table and a tear falls down.
i promised ivy nothing will happen to her.
i broke it.
i broke her.
why am i so attached to her?
she's like a poison to me.
i cant do this.
i rest my head on the table and slowly fall asleep..

                                    IVY'S POV

I just woke up.
my head hurts.
my legs hurt.
i'm in so much pain.
i'm in elijah's bed.
i take a deep breath.
i'm relieved i'm here.
"ivy?" i hear elijah's voice.
"elijah?" i say as my voice cracks.
he pulls me in for a hug as i cry on his chest.
"i'm so sorry" he says brushing my hair
"you didn't do anything." i say as he wipes my tear away.
"i shouldn't have let you go" he says
"i shouldn't have gone elijah" i say looking him in the eyes.
"i was stupid and naive and a selfish two faced bi-" he grabs my jaw to face him.
"don't you dare call yourself a bitch" elijah warns.
i sigh. "i just.." i close my eyes and tuck my hair behind my ears.
"i love you" Elijah says looking at me waiting for a reaction out of me.
he loves me?
i push his chest and get up
"how many girls heard that huh?"
i say tying my hair in a ponytail as i fix my biker shorts.
"what?" he says
"go tell that to delilah. she sounded pretty ma-"
he grabs my wrists and tackles my to the wall as he tightens his grip off.
he's too strong.
"why would i go through all this fucking pain if i didnt love you ivy?!" he yells as he throws my hair down.
"and i fucking hate ur hair when it's up!" he yells as he tightens his grip
"elijah ur hurting me" i say as i try to slide my hand.
"ivy. delilah was a gurl that came here for money." he says as he lightens his grip.
"*oh let's go upstairs*" i mimick his voice.
"ivy for fucks sa-" i push him managing to get him away.
"don't-" before i could say anything he grabs me. like literally holds me up. and throws me over his back.
i kick his back "LET ME GOOOOOO" i wine
"stop wining like a kid" he says as he throws me to the bed.
i kick my legs but he hold them as he gets on top of me
"i love YOU" he says
"not HER"
"you ivy. i love you. i LOVE you" he says reassuring me as he tucks my hair back.
"you love me?" i say looking at him
"yes" he says. "i'm Inlove with YOU" he says smiling.
he's smiling.
oh my god he's smiling.
"i love you more" i say as i push him around throwing him as i get on top of him.
i kiss him slowly.
i feel sparks.
and butterflies.
and glitter.
i feel love.


i'm in the kitchen eating breakfast as i see elijah coming down.
"hey love" he says kissing me
"hey" i say as he grabs a cup.
"hungry?" i say as i continue eating.
"ivy?" he says looking at me
oh god.
he said my name.
not babe
not baby
not dear
not love..
"mhm?" i chew on eggs.
"did you take my credit card from my wallet? and around six thousand cash?" he says looking me in the eyes
my eyes widen as i remember.
"uh.." i say scratching my head
"oh my god" he says putting his hand over his face.
"i'm sorry i was mad and i saw it and i hated u and i really really wanted and needed the mone-"
"so u took my card??" he yells in frustration.
i put my fork down and look at him.
"babe you can just renew it at the bank" i say looking confused at him.
"i'm sorry" he says coming up to me as he brushes a kiss over my lips.
"i'll be back" he says as he takes his keys and wears his shoes.
"elijah?" i say
"yes love?" he says as he ties his shoe
"can u get me tampons?" i say avoiding any eye contact
"of course love" he says coming towards me
"is there a size for tampons because-" i cut him off by laughing
"oh my god elijah no!" i giggle as he looks genuinely concerned
"candy?" i say pouting
"oh dear lord" he says opening the door
"yes ma'am" he closes the door
i lay back on the couch and turn on the tv.
oo let's watch Slender Man!

                      A FEW HOURS LATER...

i'm filled with tears. i cant believe she's dead! and he killed her! what a monster.
"ivy? why are u crying??" elijah says looking around me to see what i'm crying about
"lamia died! he killed her what a monster that poor girl!" i cry
he giggles.
"Why are u laughing!" i even cry more hysterically
"i'm not laughing" he hold his laugh in and acts serious as he hugs me.
"can we go to the mall? i need clothes that aren't triple my size" i say looking up at him.
he exhales.. "Ivy.." he looks at me
"you know i cant take you out" he says tapping his fingers together.
"it's too dangerous" he says tucking my hair behind my ear.
"please?" i say.
"your gonna be with me" i smile at him
"i dont-" i cut him off
"no way? really! thanks!" i smoosh a kiss and run upstairs
"Ivy!" he yells
"i'll be ready in 5!"

a few hours later

I wear my white tank top with Elijah's sweat pants and put my hair half up half down. i wear his sunglasses and some chapstick.
"i'm readyyyy" i say twirling around
i can see his annoyed.
i love making him annoyed
"Ivy, you'll stay with me." he says in a commanding tone
"yes sir" i say mocking him
"Ivy im serious" he says genuinely worried.
"i know" i say giving him a little smile
i put my shoes on and follow Elijah to the car as he turns on the radio.
[Lana delray- Lolita]
is playing.
i'm staring out the window seeing how gorgeous it is. god i love this place.
"i dont have any money" i say avoiding eye contact
"oh my god" he huffs
"Ivy since when do you pay for your own shit?" he says looking at me
my face is red. very red.
"focus on the road!" i say trying to cover my face.

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