𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠|🖤💜

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~3rd Person POV~

Early in the morning. 5:00 A.M. The sun wasn't rising yet, but it was planning on soon. Usually, Levi would still be peacefully sleeping. But, today was just not one of those days. He woke up early and was not able to fall back asleep. He, of course, was annoyed. Eventually, he gave up trying to fall back asleep.

Levi threw his covers off of him and got up. He went to use the bathroom first, then went downstairs. He looked down at the living room from the stairs. It was really weird to see at night. The lights were off and it was completely quiet. Expected since everyone was asleep.

He went down the stairs and walked into the living room. He looked around. He didn't want to be in there. It was really dark. Surprising, but he wasn't a big fan of the dark. He decided to go into the kitchen. The stove's Light was on, so it wasn't as dark as the living room.

There weren't any snacks or food on any of the counters. Well, not any that Levi was interested in. He started looking in the pantry and cabinets for something he could eat. Even if it was something small. While he was scavenging through the unorganized cabinets, he knocked over a jar. It made a really loud 'Clanck' sound whenever it hit the kitchen floor. He stood there for a few seconds, looking around, listening to see if anyone was now awake and heard it. After those few, silent seconds, he went back to looking.

Little did he know, he did wake someone up. A boy was peacefully sleeping in his room until he heard the sound. Too bad he was a light sleeper. He tried falling back asleep, but thoughts came to his head. 'What if someone broke in' and 'What if there's a demon downstairs'. He gave up and got up from his bed. He grabbed his jacket from behind his door and put it on. He left his room and quietly went down the stairs.

He peeked around the edge of the stairs to look into the kitchen. He sighed with relief whenever he saw Levi, grabbing a bag from the cabinet next to the refrigerator and closing it. Light walked into the kitchen, leaning his hand against it.

"What're you doing?"

The ravenette turned around, startled. 

He sighed, "Nothing. Just getting something to eat."

Light walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He grabbed a bag of gummy worms from the bottom shelf and closed the refrigerator. 

"You put them in the fridge?

Light nodded, "So that they don't melt."

Levi nodded and sat down on one of the stools. Light stood on the other side of the counter Levi was sitting at. As Levi was eating his snack, he noticed that Light was struggling to open the bag. 

"Do you need help? I can open it for you," He offered.

Light shook his head, claiming that he doesn't need help. He did, he just didn't want it. He continued to struggle to open the bag.

Levi half smiled, "Are you sure you don't need help."

"Maybe I do." Light gave up. "Here."

Light handed Levi the bag. Levi opened it with no struggle and in less than a second. He handed it back to Light, who was now surprised.


Levi pointed to the 'Rip Here' label, "This."

Light didn't respond. He just ate his gummies while Levi was sitting and eating as if he'd just accomplished something no human could ever. Whenever they finished, Light was planning to go back upstairs. But, Levi was going to stay downstairs.

"What? Why?"

Levi threw his trash away. "I'm not tired. So, I'll stay down here."

Light tilted his head, "Why don't you try again? I mean, it's been a while."

"I already know it won't work." Levi walked out of the kitchen and to the stairs.

Light followed Levi up the stairs.

"But, you're not a fortune teller. You can't see the future." Light crossed his arms. "So, just try to go to sleep again!"

Levi sighed, "It's not going to- Hey!"

Light grabbed Levi's sleeve and dragged him to his room. They entered Levi's room and he shoved Levi onto his bed. Light closed the door and sat down in Levi's chair at his desk.

"Go to sleep."

"Light, it is 5:00 in the morn-"

Light shrugged. "I really don't care. Go to sleep."

Levi looked at Light, unfazed. Light looked back with an annoyed expression. Levi just rolled his eyes and turned over. Levi closed his eyes but didn't fall asleep. He heard Light take a pen or pencil out of the cup and started writing. Then, he put whatever he used to write back, got out of his chair, and walked over to the door. He opened the door. The door didn't close for a while.

"Goodnight, Levi."

The door then closed. Levi decided to stay in bed and eventually ended up falling asleep. He didn't mean to at all, but he did.

The next morning, 8:30 A.M, Levi woke up again. He got out of bed and looked over at his desk, remembering he heard Light writing. There was a paper on his desk. He picked it up and read it. 

'Sorry for being a bit harsh, but I'll do this again if I have to :)'

Levi smiled to himself. To him, Light had nice handwriting, but it was a bit small. He didn't mind. He put the note down and went downstairs. Whenever he did, almost everyone was in the kitchen or living room. The lights were on and it was bright. But in a nice way. He entered the kitchen and sat down on one of the stools again.

Whenever he sat down, he watched as everyone was going on with their morning and doing what they'd usually do. Then, Light came up to him.

"How'd you sleep?"

Levi smiled, "Good. You?"

Light responded, "Amazing."

Light sat down on the empty stool next to Levi.

"I told you." Light smirked proudly.

He did. And he was right. Levi wasn't a fortune teller and he couldn't see in the future.


Word count: 1005

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