𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬🎄||🖤💜

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- He/ They Pronouns for Light

-Younger AU

-Younger AU__________________________________________

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❄3rd Person POV

It was the day before Christmas Eve and Christmas was right around the corner. Everyone in the town was excited. People were walking down the cold, snow-covered streets. Sales were all over the city stores, last-minute Christmas shopping was being done, and carolers were standing in the falling snow singing with their hearts.

As everyone was walking and shoving through the crowds in the streets, there were two boys together in the warmth of a house. Their mothers had set up a playdate for them today. Earlier, they made Christmas cookies in the kitchen, watched movies, and played outside in the snow for a little bit. 

They were now together in Light's room. Light ran over to his desk and grabbed as much paper as they could. He then went over to the small table, where Levi was already sitting, and sat down next to him. Light placed the messy stack of lined paper in the middle of the table. They reached for the pens and pencil cup on the dresser next to the table, but he couldn't reach them.

Laughing, Levi stood up from his chair and went over to the dresser. Levi was only a bit taller than Light, since they were still kids. But, he was tall enough to reach the cup. He reached up and grabbed the colorful cup of pens and pencils. He brought it down and placed it on the table that they were sitting at. Levi then sat back down in his seat.

"What are we doing?" Levi asked, looking over at Light.

Light grabbed a pencil and paper, "We're writing Christmas wishlists!"

Levi grabbed a sheet of lined paper. "To who?"

"To Santa, of course!" Light responded with a bright smile. 

'Oh,' Levi mumbled, grabbing a pen out of the cup. They both looked down at their papers and began writing. Levi was writing more of a letter, and Light had gotten straight to the point with his list. Both of them had all their focus on their letters. It was so quiet that all you could hear was their pen and pencil scribbling on the paper. 

After some time, Light had finished his wishlist and held it up from Levi to see. Levi broke his focus for a second and looked at the scribbles written on Light's paper. His handwriting wasn't exactly the neatest, but it was readable. His list went a bit past the second hole on the edge of the page. There were some columns where there'd be a star next to the words.

Levi smiled, "What are the stars for?"

Light answered, "They're the main things I want for Christmas! And I'm guaranteed to get it. It happens every year."

"So, you wouldn't mind if Santa didn't get everything else on the list? Just the stared things?"

Light nodded and looked back down at his paper. Levi glanced over at what Light was doing. Light was doodling on the page. They were drawing small Christmas trees, snowflakes, and even attempted to draw Santa in the top corner.

Levi looked back down at his own paper and finished writing the letter. Then, he turned the page over and began writing his Christmas wishlist. Levi's handwriting was better than Light's, but it wasn't the neatest that you'll see since he was writing quickly. 

When they both finished writing their letters, they read them over. Then, they both got up from the table. Light was excited and told Levi to follow him downstairs. They left the room and Levi followed Light as he excitedly ran down the hall and down the stairs. 

Once they made it to the living room, Light placed the letters on the coffee table. Levi was confused but waited for Light to finish what he was doing. Light grabbed the plate that was meant for Santa's cookies, and placed the letters under it. He adjusted the letters and the plate to where you could still see the papers. He grabbed the nearby cup and placed it gently next to the plate.

Levi asked what Light was doing. 

"I'm placing our letters to where Santa can see them!"

Levi nodded. "Santa's coming tomorrow, maybe he'll see them early!"

Light smiled and looked at Levi, "Yeah! He probably will! And- And we'll get an early present!"

They both sat down on the couch and continued talking about their letters and Santa. They were both obviously really excited about this. Light grabbed the remote and turned the TV down to a low volume. They then chose the movie "Christmas Chronicles" and let the movie play. The two began to relax and watched the movie. 

Near the end of the movie, the sun was beginning to set and it was becoming dark outside. There was no sign of Levi's mom coming to pick him up. So, Light's mom came into the living room and told them both that they should start getting ready to go to bed. Levi assumed that he was most likely sleeping over.

Levi nodded, "Okay! But, where am I sleeping?"

"Come on! You're sleeping in my room." Light grabbed Levi's hand and jumped off of the couch. 

Light grabbed a spare blanket from the end of the couch and excitedly rushed upstairs, Levi trailing behind him.


Word Count: 896

☆♫︎ 𝙸𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 & 𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚜 ♫︎☆Where stories live. Discover now