𝐀 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐬 |💛🤍

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~3rd Person POV~

"Alex!" Luca walked into Alex's room. "You're brother's being mean to Charli again."

Alex looked up from her laptop, "What's he doing now?"

"He's messing with Charli again!" Luca explained.

"I'll come with you, alright?"

Luca nodded in response. Alex closed her laptop and got up from their bed. She walked over to Luca and the both of them went downstairs. As they did so, Charli's high-pitched voice got louder and closer. 

When they got to the living room, they saw Charli wrapping her arms around Light tightly as Light was trying to pry her arms off. 

"I thought you said Light was bothering Charli."

Luca responded, "He wouldn't let her hug him."

Alex sighed and went up to the two. It took a little while, but eventually, Alex was able to get Charli off of Light. Light went upstairs and instead of Charli chasing after him, she went over to Luca and hugged him. Then, after a few seconds, she went upstairs as well.

When she hugged him, Alex felt some type of way. But, she couldn't put their finger on it since she hasn't felt like it before. Alex just shooed it away like it was nothing. Luca thanked Alex and went to go find his brother. Alex went back upstairs and into her room to continue editing.

The next day felt off. Light and Luca kept passing death stares and glaring at each other. No one knew what was going on and no one bothered to know. After breakfast, as Alex was cleaning up, Luca came into the kitchen.

He offered to help Alex, which she appreciated dearly. They both cleaned up the leftover dishes and fixed the table. While Alex washed some dishes, Luca would get close to her a few times to place something on the counter next to her. Every time he did, Alex could feel her face heat up slightly and something in their stomach. 

When they finished, she thank Luca for helping them. Luca walked out of the kitchen, leaving Alex on her own. As soon as he was out of sight, she felt lonely. She didn't know why, but they did. She walked out of the kitchen and went into the living room and turned the TV on.

Not too long after, Luca came downstairs and went over to Alex. He sat down next to her. She looked over at Luca, pausing the show they were watching.

"Do you need anything, Luca?"

Luca responded, "Yes, actually! I have a question."

"Ask away," Alex smiled.

"Well..." Luca hesitated. "Do you know what'd make Charli happy? Like, a gift or something?"

Alex thought for a second. "I know a few things, yeah. Why?"

 Luca said, "I wanted to show Charli something that Light wouldn't be able to. Which is love to her."

Alex nodded her head and proceeded to tell Luca the things that made Charli happy. She was really good at hiding their emotions, but deep down, she was feeling jealous. She didn't know, but they were aware of the feeling. And it continued to happen.

Alex continued to give Luca advice for Charli and how to win her love. Every time, the jealousy continued to build up. When Luca and Charli were hugging, saying 'I love you's, kissing each other's foreheads. It all made her jealous, they wanted to be Charli. She wanted to be in Charli's shoes for 1 day. Just 1.

It took Alex so long to realize, but she had developed feelings for Luca over time. But, she knew that it was too late for them. She knew that they'd just have to deal with the jealousy and hope that it'd go away. She waited so long, but it never went away.

One day, Luca came into the kitchen as Alex was cleaning up after dinner.

"Hey, Alex! Do you need help?" Luca asked.

Alex only nodded. Luca started helping with cleaning. Alex was wiping the counters whenever Charli walked into the kitchen. She greeted Alex and then went over to Luca. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back. 

He smiled, "Hello to you too, Char."

She had enough. Alex slammed the paper towel and the spray she was using on the counter and stormed out of the kitchen. She stormed upstairs and into their room, holding back tears.

When she got into their room, she slammed the door and went over to their bed. She married their face into the pillows and let all of the tears she was holding back out onto the pillow. She didn't expect to feel so hurt looking at them, but they did. She desperately wanted to be in Charli's place, but, they knew that she couldn't. Which hurt her even more.

She lifted their head from the pillow and wiped her face. She got up from their bed and went to her bathroom. She looked at themself in the mirror, her mascara running down their cheeks. Quickly, she washed their face and redid her makeup in the mirror. Then, she left the bathroom.

She sat down on their bed and opened her laptop. She started rewatching videos, mainly the ones where they and Luca would be together. As partners, not romantically. Then, the ones with Charli and Luca started popping up. Of course, she was jealous. 

It was hurting her, but they knew that she was going to have to deal with it.


Luca had noticed something wrong. Every time he'd go up to Alex, Alex would avoid him or ignore him. One day, he decided to approach her when they were somewhere she couldn't run away from. 

He walked into Alex's room as she was sorting their closet out. She looked up at Luca, freezing in their tracks. She threw the shirt they were holding and crossed her arms.

"Do you need something?"

Luca closed the door behind him. "Are you okay? You've been a bit distant."

Alex faked a smile, "Yeah, I'm fine! Why do you ask?"

"Because you seem to be avoiding me and Charli," Luca claimed. "Did we do something?"

Alex only sighed, not responding.

Luc asked again, "Alex, did we do anything?!"

"No, you didn't!" She snapped. "Now, can you get out?!"

Luca didn't know how to respond. It seemed simple, but he wasn't used to Alex yelling at him. So, as she requested, he left their room. Alex sighed to herself, collecting themself and keeping herself from crying. She continued to sort their closet, regretting her decision.

How was she supposed to feel? Sad? Jealous? Hatred?  Those are the only feelings that stayed with her. Maybe forever.


Word count: 1084

☆♫︎ 𝙸𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 & 𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚜 ♫︎☆Where stories live. Discover now