𝐀 𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞||🧡💛

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Ship(s) in this chapter:

- Charlex🧡💛

- She/ They for Alex



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★3rd Person POV

The wind was cool, the grass was a bright green with white and yellow dandelions and flowers scattered out. It wasn't too hot or too cold out. It was the perfect weather to go outside, sit in the grass, eat snacks... It was the perfect weather for a picnic!

Charli peeked out through the window blinds in the kitchen. She smiled to herself as she saw the perfect, spring weather. She wanted to ask the squad to go out and have a small picnic with her but then realized that mostly everyone was busy. This thought caused her smile to fade.

Then, Alex walked into the kitchen and went over to the fridge. She opened it and peered inside.

"Good afternoon, Charli!" Alex greeted, grabbing a mochi Levi had made the night before.

Charli quickly whipped around to face Alex, and her smile appeared again, "Hi, Alex! How are you?"

Alex closed the fridge. "I'm fine. What about you?"

"Same here," Charli replied.

Charli moved away from the window and walked over to Alex. Also sat down on a stool at the counter island. She took a bite of their mochi as Charli sat down on the stool next to Alex.

Charli was debating whether to go ahead and ask Alex if they were available to have a picnic, or if she should just leave it be and she can do it another day.

"Hey, Alex," Charli started. "I have a question."

"Hm?" Alex hummed, looking up from her phone.

Charli asked, "Are you free today? Do you have anything- Are you busy?"

Alex thought for a moment, then shook their head. "Nope! Why? Is there something you need?"

"Well, I was just wondering if you're up for a picnic? You and me! Since everyone else is busy."

Alex smiled and nodded, "Of course! I could use a little bit of the outside."

Charli's lips curled into a bright smile. She jumped up from her seat, bouncing with excitement, "Yay! Yes, I've been wanting to do one forever! Thank you so much!"

"Aww, no problem!" Alex's cheeks blush a soft, gentle pink.

Charli went over to the doorway, "I'm gonna go get the stuff, okay?"

Alex nodded once again. Charli rushed out of the room. Charli's excitement made Alex smile. On camera, it seemed as if everyone hated Charli's excitement or anything like that. But, secretly, Alex loved it. Charli's happiness was contagious, and it spread to her all of the time, making her day brighter than it ever was.

Alex got up from the stool, grabbed her phone, and walked out of the kitchen. They went over to the stairway, climbed up the stairs, and walked into her room to quickly change.


After getting everything they needed and going to where Charli had led them both, they made it to a beautifully cleared area. The grass wasn't tall, there weren't many trees in the area, and there was a clear view of the bright, blue sky.

Charli placed the basket and blanket down. Alex walked over to one end of the blanket and grabbed both corners. Charli copied the movement. They fluffed the blanket out, then slowly layed it down on the ground.

They both sat down on the blanket. They both took off their shoes (So that the dirt on their shoes wouldn't get on the blanket) and reached for the basket. Alex grabbed the basket and placed it on the edge of the blanket. She opened it and grabbed the stack of plates inside and placed them down. They continued to do this until everything was out of the basket.

Charli had seemed to remember something. She reached inside the edge of the basket and pulled out some flowers. She held them out for Alex.

"I found these while getting the snacks and stuff!" Charli smiled. "They reminded me of you!"

It was a bouquet of pink and white roses with light pink peony flowers. Alex felt her cheeks flush. They smiled at the flowers, then looked up at Charli.

"Thank you! They're so beautiful!"

Charli nods, "You're welcome!"

The both of them began to set up their picnic. From food to small decorations, they made sure everything was perfect and pretty. Once they finished, they looked over their work.

"Wanna take a quick picture?" Alex asked, grabbing her phone.

Charli replied, "Yeah!"

Charli scooched closer to Alex as she held their phone up. Alex and Charli smiled, but before Alex pressed the button to take a picture, Alex kisses Charli's cheek as she took the picture. Charli's eyes quickly shot open as her face changed to bright pink. Alex looked at Charli and giggled at her reaction.

Charli held her face, "I... I JUST GOT A KISS!"

Alex laughed, "Yeah! Now, c'mon, let's eat."

Alex grabbed a bag of chips they layed out, opened it, and dumped them onto her plate. Meanwhile, Charli was fangirling and trying to comprehend what had just happened.

After some time, Charli had come back to reality and to had a great time together. They talked and laughed, mainly about the squad and some internet drama. Overall, it was a great afternoon! And Charli was grateful that she was able to spend it with someone she truly loved.


Word Count: 898

☆♫︎ 𝙸𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 & 𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚜 ♫︎☆Where stories live. Discover now