𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬||💧❤️

532 5 2

Ship(s) in this chapter:


-This was written a while ago, so, I didn't use 'he/they' pronouns with Jaxx in this chapter.


What a "great" way to start the morning. His head hurting, almost drenched in sweat, and his room was freezing cold. That's how Jaxx's morning was going. When he woke up, his head was hurting more than it was the night before. He could feel himself sweating. 'Why am I sweating? It's cold in here' he wondered.

He got up from his bed and went into his bathroom. When he looked in the mirror, his lips were cracking. Jaxx ran his finger along his lips, wondering why his lips were so chapped. He opened the mirror and grabbed some Chapstick and applied it to his lips. He turned the shower on and waited for it to be at the right temperature before getting in it.u

Meanwhile, everyone else is downstairs watching TV or in the kitchen. They were mainly in the kitchen though. Some of the squad members were getting small things here and there, but they were all helping with breakfast.

"Has anyone seen Jaxx?" Sora asked as he finished stirring the pancake batter.

Almost everyone shook their heads and said no, or something to indicate that they haven't seen him. Sora hasn't seen him since last night when they finished a movie.

Sora thought about the previous night, "He was saying something about his head hurting."

"What'd you say?" Light asked, eating a bit of icing after.

"Hm? Oh, nothing!

"Yeah, sure." Light grabbed the icing container and slid it to the other end.

Right then, Jaxx came into the kitchen. He went over to Sora and poked him, causing Sora to jump.

Sora quickly turned and smiled, "Hey, babe! You woke up late today!"

"I kind of did!" Jaxx lied.

Sora wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist for a few seconds before going to help Luca with something.

Jaxx was expecting to feel at least a bit better than he did this morning, but instead, it was the other way around. He was feeling worse than before. It was hotter down here than it was in his room.

But, everyone was still going around and doing their own things. So, Jaxx did the same thing. Luckily, he didn't have to wait for breakfast since it had just been finished.

Everyone got what they'd like this morning and sat down whenever they were going to. Jaxx sat down at the table with a few other squad members. Too bad the feeling didn't go away.


Since everyone was finishing up, they put their dishes in the dishwasher and left to go do their own things, but some stayed in the kitchen. Levi was putting some stuff away, so was Charli. Luca and Alex were wiping down counters. Sora and Light were just there for support. Jaxx was still sitting at the table, watching as they did all of this.

Why wasn't he helping? He felt like he couldn't. His heading was hurting, almost like the pain had a pulse. It still hurt, but it wouldn't hurt as bad for 3 seconds. His vision was blurring up a bit, but then it'd clear up. He was staring at the edge of the counter, zoned out.

"Jaxx!" Charli semi-shouted.

Jaxx quickly looked up at Charli.


☆♫︎ 𝙸𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 & 𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚜 ♫︎☆Where stories live. Discover now