𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬🎄||💧❤️

355 7 1

Ship(s) in this chapter:

-He/They pronouns for Jaxx

-Soraxx💧❤️~~~~~-He/They pronouns for Jaxx__________________________________________

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•3rd Person POV

Jaxx came down the stairs and saw Sora in the living room.

"Sora!" Jaxx called out to him.

Sora looked over at Jaxx, "Hm? What?"

Jaxx asked, "Do you wanna make cookies?"

"What kind of cookies?" Sora questioned.

Jaxx shrugged. "I don't know. Cookies."

"Sure!" Sora agreed.

Sora stood up from the couch and went over to Jaxx. They both walked into the kitchen. It was pretty chilly outside, so the heater was making it very cozy throughout the house, especially in the kitchen. 

Jaxx took out his phone and took out a recipe for chocolate chip cookies. When he got the recipe, they set his phone against the jars and began going around the kitchen grabbing some stuff they needed. Sora did the same thing. He went into the fridge and grabbed everything they needed out of there.

When they got everything they needed, Jaxx placed the stuff he had on the counter and Sora placed the stuff he had on the same counter. Jaxx placed the big bowl in the middle and preheated the oven to 375˚F.

"Alright, so what do we do fir-"

"SUGAR!" Jaxx was cut off by Sora aggressively pouring the sugar and brown sugar into the big bowl.

Jaxx stopped Sora, "Wait, that's too much!"

Sora shrugged, "The more, the merrier."

Jaxx laughed a little at Sora's comment. Jaxx quickly put a small chunk of butter into a small bowl. He placed the bowl into the microwave and set it to five seconds. They then took the butter out and placed the melted butter into the bowl.

Jaxx grabbed a whisk and handed it to Sora, "You can mix it."

Sora smiled and began mixing quickly with the whisk. As Sor was mixing it, Jaxx prepared the eggs and vanilla extract. At some points, Sora would spill some cookie dough on the counter, but he didn't care. 

After Sora was done mixing, he placed the bowl back onto the counter. Jaxx added in the vanilla extract and Sora cracked and put in the eggs. Sora grabbed the whisk and began mixing again. When he was done this time, Jaxx grabbed the flour and baking powder.

While Jaxx was opening the flour, Sora accidentally backed up into Jaxx's arms and caused the flour to go all over the both of them. Sora wiped his eyes and looked at Jaxx. He almost immediately started laughing. Jaxx wiped his face and looked at Sora, causing them to laugh as well.

"You look so stupid," Sora managed to say, still laughing.

Jaxx said, "You do, too! Haha!"

They laughed at each other for a few more seconds, then calmed down. Jaxx placed the flour down on the counter and placed the baking powder down next to it. Sora grabbed the baking powder and poured it into the bowl. Jaxx took some of the leftover flour and dumped it into the bowl. 

"Could you find some cookie cutters?" Jaxx asked, rolling his sleeves up and walking over to the sink.

Sora nodded his head. He opened the drawers and began digging through them. Eventually, after a long time of looking, he found some Christmas cookie cutters. He placed the cutter on the counter and watched as Jaxx dried his hands.

Jaxx came over to the bowl and began using his hands to mix the cookie dough.

"Ew," Sora commented. "What are you doing?"

Jaxx replied, "It says I have to fold it, so, I'm using my hands!"

Sora nodded and watched as Jaxx mixed the dough. When the dough was ready, Jaxx took his hands out and went back over to the sink to wash their hands again. While Jaxx was washing his hands, Sora took the chocolate chips and dumped them into the dough. Then, he took the spatula-looking thing and mixed in the chocolate chips. 

Jaxx grabbed the rolling pin and the cutting board and placed them both down. He sprinkled the board with flour, took the cookie dough, and placed it onto the board. 

They looked at Sora, "Do you want to roll it out?"

Sora excitedly nodded. He took the rolling pin from Jaxx and began rolling out the cookie dough. When the cookie dough was flat, Sora took the Christmas tree cutter and the Santa hat cutter and began cutting out the cookies.

He took the cut-out cookie shapes and places them on the parchment-lined pan. He placed them in random spots and Jaxx adjusted the cookie dough's spots so that they wouldn't bake into one another. 

Jaxx took the pan and slid it into the already-heated oven. Jaxx closed the oven door and began cleaning things up. Sora helped a bit too. Since there wasn't enough dough to use the leftover cookie dough, Sora decided to eat the rest of the cookie dough every time Jaxx turned his back.

After some time, they had finally cleaned up their mess (including the flour mess). Jaxx leaned against the counter, watching as Sora ate the leftover cookie dough.

"What do you want to do now?" Jaxx asked.

Sora shrugged, then his face lit up. "Can we make hot chocolate? To go with the cookies!"

Jaxx smiled and nodded. "Yeah! That'd be nice."

Sora rushed over to the cabinet and tried reaching up for the hot chocolate packets. Jaxx laughed a bit and walked over to Sora. He grabbed the hot chocolate out of the cabinet, then looked down at Sora.

They kissed Sora's head, then grabbed a cup and filled it with water.

"Why, thank you," Sora said, looking at Jaxx and smiling.


Word Count: 926

☆♫︎ 𝙸𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 & 𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚜 ♫︎☆Where stories live. Discover now