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Alright! I've come up with some new rules for this book! So, continue to read the following to know them.


#1: You are allowed to request ships, but you may not request the following: Zalex or any sibling x sibling ships. The only exception is whenever I announce it in a chapter.


#2: The closest thing to 'smut' you're getting is probably lemon. Unless I'm actually in the mood to write 'smut'.


#3: This is more of an explanation, but everything that happens in this book is only with the characters, not the voice actors. Their behavior, appearance, etc. are fake and have nothing to do with the voice actors' real lives. 


#4: I take any request! But, if it's about a topic that is not meant to be at all joked about (Depression, su1c1d3, etc), I will do proper research and I would appreciate it if you were specific with your request. So, if you do want something like this, make sure you describe it as much as you possibly can. Like their behavior, what happened, whatever you need to.


And that's all I could think of. I'll edit this chapter sometimes too.

(Updated: 6/29/2022)

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