𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬 ||💛🤍

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-She/They for Alex

-He/They for Luca



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★3rd Person POV

Alex was busy cleaning her room when they found a box under her bed. She doesn't remember pushing a box under there, so, they pulled the box out from under and inspected it. Alex got up and grabbed some nearby scissors from her nightstand. She cut through the tape and pulled apart the cardboard flaps. They looked down into the box and were slightly surprised. There were rows and rows of different colored nail polish. Some shades she wouldn't even expect themself to own.

She reached in and pulled out all of the different polish colors, laying them in rows on their bed. Once she got all of them out, they stood up and thought about whose nails she could do. Charli wasn't available, Levi would murder her later, Jaxx already had his done, and Sora and Light were out. Alex got a bright idea. Luca!

Alex walked out of her room and walked around until they heard or saw Luca. She went down the stairs and listened out for Luca. And there they were, sitting in the guest room on his phone. Alex smiled and walked over to them.

She leaned down, suddenly putting their hands on his shoulders, "LUCA!"

Luca harshly jumped, quickly turning their head to Alex. "Oh my gosh- Alex! Don't do that!"

Alex laughed. "Sorryyyyy! But, I have a question."


"So, I found a box full of nail polish under my bed," Alex started. "And I have no one else to use them on and they seem to be very pretty."

"Where are you going with this?" Luca asked.

Alex smiled, "Can I do your nails? You can take it off right after! I just wanna try the shades!"

Luca was surprised, "What?!"

"Please please please please please?" Alex asked, putting her hands together.

Luca couldn't turn them down. Alex has done a lot for Luca in the past and the least he could do was let her try the shades. Luca nodded their head.

"Yes, I'll let you."

Alex smiled brightly. "Thank you so much!"

Alex leaned down and hugged Luca. Luca smiled slightly and hugged Alex back with his free arm. They both let go of each other and go to Alex's room.

When they arrived, Luca sat down on the bed while Alex check which nail polishes were good and which ones were bad. Alex looked at Luca.

"Choose ten. I'm going to use one of each nail!" Alex said, throwing the bad nail polishes away.

Luca nodded and looked over all of the nail polishes. It took a few minutes, but Luca chose 10 different shades of nail polish. Alex took them and placed them on the nightstand while she sat down on the bed next to Luca. Alex held their hand out, waiting for Luca to give her his hand. Luca placed their hand in Alex's and Alex moved his hand closer to her face. She grabbed one nail polish, opened it, and began painting Luca's nails.

As Alex worked, Luca looked down at Alex as they painted every nail on his right hand. Luca smiled looking at the smile plastered on Alex's face as she painted. Luca trusted the process and hope that the nail colors he picked matched together.

When Alex finished one hand, Luca inspected his hand, looking at all of the nails.

"Be careful with it. It's still wet," Alex warned, starting to paint Luca's thumb.

Luca nodded and let Alex continue her work. Thinking about it, this was the first time in a while that Alex and Luca have been this close together since childhood. They've been friends since 4th grade and have been ever since. Then, when they met Levi and Charli, they began to get a bit distant from each other. But, now, since no one was in the way, it was only them. They could finally spend time together. Luca could feel their face warming up.

Once Alex finished, she waited for his nails to dry, then painted a clear layer on top of all of his nails. Alex smiled at the product of her work.

"Done! How do they look?"

Luca looked down at his nails and smiled, "They actually go well together!"

Alex nodded. "Mhm! You're good with colors."

"Thanks!" Luca looked at Alex.

Alex looked back and nodded. "We should hang out together more. I've realized that we don't really anymore."

Luca agreed, "Yeah. I was actually thinking about that."

Alex smiled, "It'd be nice!"

Luca and Alex stared at each other for a little bit. Luca noticed blush appearing on Alex's face. Luca chuckled but didn't point it out. Alex rapidly shook her head.

"Um- you can go if you'd like! I'm finished, so you don't have to stay." Alex slightly smiled.

"I'll stay. Maybe we could watch something in here," Luca replied.

Alex looked back at Luca, "Really?"

Luca nodded. Alex smiled again. Luca took their shoes off and sat near the pillows on Alex's bed. Alex climbed onto the bed with Luca and sat next to him. She grabbed the remote and began scrolling through Netflix for movies. In the end, after some debating, they chose to watch "Coraline" [Pretend it's still on there].

Alex rested her head on Luca's shoulder subconsciously. Luca glanced down at Alex and wrapped his arm around them. They continued to peacefully watch the movie together before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.


Word Count: 901

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