𝐄𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 ||💚💛

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-Fairytale/ Fantasy AU

-She/They Pronouns for Alex

-She/They Pronouns for Alex___________________________________________

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❄3rd Person POV

In this kingdom, there were different "statuses". There were the higher-ups, the middle, then the commoners. Alex, the princess, was friends with a lot of higher-ups and people in the middle. She was, of course, a higher-up. In this world, their species would be "Royalty" or "Royal Blood". Royalty has its own powers and its own strength that no one else in the kingdom can compare to.

Due to Alex's status, she got their own form of protection, a knight. When you hear the word "knight" you may think of a boy or a man. No, Alex didn't want them. She wanted Jade. Jade the knight. Knights could also be considered higher-ups, but sometimes in the middle, depending on who they're serving.

When Alex was about 13-14, that's when she got to meet their knight. Young Jade. Her parents continued to try and get them to pick a male knight, but she didn't want one. They wanted to pick Jade. And so, she did. The two have them have grown a very great relationship with each other over the years. And the friendship continues on to this day.

There was a very important rule in the Royal Rule Book. No Royal blood shall ever engage in any romantic activity with someone of a lower class. Meaning, no one of Royal blood should ever be seen with someone who isn't anyone in the higher class. That was a problem for the knight.

She knew that she was never allowed to date the princess, Alex, but that didn't stop her feelings for her. Jade has been crushing on Alex for quite some time now. When Jade heard the rules, she was devasted. It was carved in her mind, but that didn't stop her feelings anymore. If anything, it made them grow.

The thought of herself and Alex breaking the rule and running away from the kingdom and to a place where they could do whatever they wanted without being told what they are and aren't supposed to do. It always made Jade smile. Sure, it was another one of her fantasies, but it could come true. They did live in the Kingdom of Magic.

Right now, Alex was getting ready for another event that her family was invited to. Alex had just gotten the dress from her mother and is now putting it on in her room. Jade wasn't in the room, she was standing outside of the closed door in case something had happened or if she needed something.

After a few minutes, Jade heard from the other side of the door, "Jade! Come here really quick!"

"Are you okay, Your Highness?" Jade asked, facing the door.

"Yeah! Just come here!"

Jade wrapped her fingers around the golden doorknob and turned it. She pushed the door open and walked into the room. She then closed it behind her. When she saw Alex, Jade almost immediately felt her face heat up.

Alex was wearing a pure white dress with silver jewel designs going across her collarbone and covering the top of the dress. The sleeves were semi-transparent and flowy as they moved her arms. At the end of the jeweled bodice, three skirts layered on top of each other, the top being the smallest. The smallest ruffle seemed to be made out of laced fabric. The bodice of the dress hugged Alex's body and the skirt of the dress flowed behind her as they walked.

Alex faced Jade and moved her hair to their back. "How does it look?"

Jade fixed her posture, "It looks great on you, Your Highness!"

"Thank you," Alex smiled. "And I said that you don't have to do the "Your Highness" thing!"

Jade chuckled, "I know, but I want to address you as the princess you are."

Alex giggled as she dusted the top of the layered skirts. Alex looked up at Jade from their skirt and began walking over to Jade, her heels clicking every time they hit the ground. When they got in front of Jade, they both stared into the eyes of each other. 

"You have very beautiful eyes," Alex commented. 

Jade felt her face heat up a bit, "Thank you. You do, too!"

Alex replied, "Thank you, Jade!"

Alex then turned away and began walking over to her bed. When they got to her bed, they fell onto it, not caring about ruining her dress. Jade walked over and stood near the bed. She asked if Alex was okay. Alex nodded her head, not lifting their head up.

When she did lift their head up, she moved up closer to the pillows and snuggled in with the different varieties of pink, white, and gold pillows. Jade watched as Alex did so. She was a bit confused about why Alex had suddenly gone over to the bed. Jade asked Alex again, and she responded.

"I'm exhausted." Alex looked at Jade again. "Both ways. I'm tired of everything and I'm sleepy. So, for the first time in literally months, maybe even years, I will be taking a nap."

Jade made an 'oh' face, then nodded her head. Jade was about to step outside to let the princess sleep, but Alex stopped her before she could even take a step. Jade turned back around to face the princess. Alex patted the empty space next to her.

"Come!" They smiled brightly.

Jade's blush was surely noticeable. "Wait, really?"

Alex nodded her head.

Slowly, Jade made her way back to Alex's bed and climbed into it. She sat up next to Alex and looked down at the sleepy princess. Alex sat up and looked at Jade's face. 

"Can I rest my head on your shoulder?" Alex asked.

Jade nodded, smiling slightly. Alex rested her head on Jade's shoulder and adjusted themself to a position they were comfortable in. Luckily, Jade wasn't exactly in her uniform, so it was comfortable. The two sat there in silence for a few seconds, then Alex subconsciously rested her hand on top of Jade's.

Glancing down at the princess, Alex's eyelids seemed to be failing her and she seemed extremely tired. Jade doesn't know how she didn't notice that she was so exhausted. Alex yawned and closed their eyes. She quickly adjusted themself again.

"Goodnight, Your Highness," Jade whispered.

Alex replied tiredly, "Goodnight. Love you."

Then, small, quiet snores could be heard coming from Alex. Jade's cheeks(face) were tinted with so much pink that they looked like a shade of red. Jade smiled to herself and wrapped her arms around the sleeping princess. She then slowly layed back, gently bringing the princess with her.

Jade was lying up against the pillows as Alex was lying really close to her. Alex's body was on the bed, but their head was laying on Jade's chest. Jade was running her hands through the princess's hair until she felt herself becoming tired.

As Jade drifted off to sleep, she whispered, "I love you, too."

Then, Jade's eyes closed and soft snoring could be heard coming from the both of them.


Word Count: 1173

☆♫︎ 𝙸𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 & 𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚜 ♫︎☆Where stories live. Discover now