𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬 ||💛🖤

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Ship(s) in this chapter:

- Alevi💛🖤

- She/ They for Alex


Requested by: MickiesClub



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★3rd Person POV

The weather was just as perfect as the breeze that would occasionally pass by. The sky was clear with fluffy clouds floating peacefully in the air. It was a Saturday afternoon and it was quiet throughout the park. 

As the clouds changed their shape in the air, Alex and Levi stared up at the sky from the picnic blanket they were laying on. Today, they decided to have a picnic since they didn't have anything else to do today. Most of the squad members were all busy doing their own thing, so, they took the opportunity to spend some time with each other. 

They were able to choose a very beautiful spot in the park. They were practically surrounded endlessly by different types of flowers or different colors. Daisies, marigolds, roses, carnations, you name it. There were too many to keep track of. 

Alex sat up and picked a nearby flower beside the blanket. She held it in their fingers. "This one is so pretty! Do you know what it is, Levi?"

"What what is?" Levi asked, sitting up. 

"This flower. Do you know what kind it is?"

Levi looked closely at the flower. "Yeah, that's a Black-eyed Susan."

Alex looked back at the flower, "I've never seen these. They look like sunflowers."

"They're somewhat close to sunflowers. Think of them like a cousin."

Alex nodded and looked out into the rows and rows of flowers. There were so many flowers to choose from. Alex stood up from the blanket and walked out into the flowers. Any flowers that caught her eye they'd lean down and pick from the beautifully green grass. Once she thought that they had collected enough, she made their way back to the blanket. 

She took their seat next to Levi, placed the flowers down onto the blanket, and grabbed a tall piece of grass. Alex then picked up some flowers and seemed to be tying them. Levi watched in confusion as Alex continued to pick up another flower to add to the batch. To Levi, Alex seemed to be working quickly, so it was hard for him to catch onto whatever Alex was doing.

After some time of watching Alex swiftly move her hands, they held her hands out to reveal a welly-made flower crown. There wasn't any grass seen through all of the flowers bunched together perfectly. In what seemed to be the back of the crown, there were what seemed to be vines coming from the back with white flowers here and there on the vine. But, it was an overall beautiful crown.

"How did you- How did you do that so fast?!" Levi asked, impressed.

Alex shrugged, "I don't know. I haven't made one in a long time. So, I'm shocked myself!"

Levi sat up fully. Alex looked over at Levi, then down at the crown. Alex turned and held her hands out, carefully placing the crown onto Levi's head. As Alex lowered her hands with a smile, a smile made its way onto Levi's face. 

"I wanna see if I can make one for you, too," Levi said. 

Alex nodded and offered to lead Levi through it step by step. Levi began to collect all of the flowers that he was possibly going to need. Once he got them, he grabbed a long piece of grass as Alex had before. Then, Alex began to teach Levi how to make a flower crown. The both of them slowly made their flower crowns. Luckily, Levi was somewhat of a visual learner, so he caught on pretty quickly. 

By the end of the lesson, Levi held out his flower crown. There were some spaces where grass could be seen, but it was Levi's first time making a flower crown. It was extremely well for the first time. Levi reached over the side of the blanket, picked a pink flower, and stuck it into the flower crown. He then placed it over Alex's head. Alex chuckled. 

"I love it," She exclaimed, gently adjusting the crown.

"You're welcome," Levi responded, placing a kiss on Alex's cheek (face).

Alex giggled and returned the favor by kissing Levi on his cheek (face). Alex rested her head on Levi's shoulder, adjusting their crown so that it wouldn't fall off of her head. Levi wrapped an arm around Alex. 

For them, today was a calming and peaceful day with the two of them. It was sort of a rare experience for Levi and Alex to get some time alone like this, yet this was a fun experience for them both. They were probably going to get another chance to do this since it was getting closer and closer to summer and they hoped to be able to travel with each other. 

Since it was pretty early for them to leave, they decided to take a small walk around the park. They quickly packed everything up and walked over to the path. Luckily, they didn't bring much more than a blanket and some snacks, so the basket was pretty light. Alex held the basket in her left hand while she held Levi's hand with her right.

The couple wandered on the path and through the park. The silence added to their small date as they walked hand and hand. There weren't any disturbances to mess with them or ruin the mood between them both. They were both glad that they'd finally be able to spend time with each other since they'd been busy recently. 

But, Levi thought that he'd ever make a flower crown in his life. Now, it was one of the most important things to him ever. And he'll forever be grateful for this moment.

Suddenly, Levi gently kissed Alex, "I love you."

Alex's cheeks (face) turned a shade of pink as she smiled warmly, "I love you too!"


I'm sorry this chapter was short!

Word Count: 992

☆♫︎ 𝙸𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 & 𝚁𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚜 ♫︎☆Where stories live. Discover now