Chapter Thirty-Eight

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On the Quidditch field far away from where Emerson was in the library, George was fuming. They all stood in a circle as Oliver gave is well-prepared speech about how Gryffindor hadn't one the Quidditch House Cup in so many years that he was beginning to forget what winning felt like.

Then at the very end of his speech, Oliver turned towards Angelina with the fakest grin George had ever seen. "Ladies and gents, I want to introduce you to your future team Captain, as approved by Professor McGonagall, Angelina Johnson!"

There was a scattered applause the five remaining players, most of them were completely unamused. Everyone already knew that Angelina was Captain, which was something that Oliver evidently didn't know.

Oliver's smile fell and he looked at every player. "What, does everyone know that Angelina's Captain?"

Everyone except Harry nodded.

"Who keeps spreading all if this information? The next thing you know the Slytherin's will be well aware of our practice routine," Oliver put his hands on his hips.

Angelina raised her eyebrows at Oliver. "I only told Emery and Alicia."

"Well Emery wasn't supposed to know either," Oliver said shortly.

"And why's that?" George crossed his arms and tried his best not to glare at Oliver. "You were just going to give her shit about not wanting to be on the team and then tell her? Emmie—I mean Emery's right, none of it makes sense."

"I was trying to figure out the best way to tell her," Oliver said.

"Maybe don't offer the position to someone else until you tell her?" Fred looked at Oliver like he was crazy. "That might have been a pretty good idea. She doesn't exactly care about being Captain but the whole situation frustrates her."

"Look, right now I am the Captain," Oliver prodded a finger to his out chest and looked at each player. "If Emery's not going to be on the team then that is her choice to make. Now let's focus on who is actually on the team and make sure that we win the cup this year."

In silence, practice began. The entire time George was unfocused, only thinking about Emerson. The whole thing with Oliver left it irritated. Oliver was annoyed because she turned him down and was making it sound like she did something bad.

The other thing George thought about was how he desperately hoped that Emerson returned the feelings that he had. She had been so cute lately, blushing and babbling. He also liked calling her "Emmie" just to get her reaction.

By the time practice was done, George was ready to crash. He just wanted nothing more than to sleep. At the same time, he wanted to see Emerson.

As he and Fred walked back go the castle, Fred turned to his brother.

"Honestly I thought you were going to hit him," he laughed. "I think Oliver's been hit in the head too many times to be sane."

George laughed too. "I thought about it, but that would get me kicked off the Quidditch team and detention. Plus he's not worth it."

"Have you figured out what to do about this whole crush thing yet?" Fred asked. "Sooner or later you're going to have to tell her. I mean, you almost told her you love her earlier. And good save by the way, 'I love being your friend.' If she did like you back that probably ruined it."

"Probably," George said. He was so tired of trying to find the right time to tell Emerson. He wanted to make it special but at the same time not too special so if she said no it wouldn't be awkward. "I just have to figure out what to say and then I'll say it."

At the same time, down in the dungeons, Remus was marching towards Professor Snape's office. He too was furious regarding Emerson.

Remus pushed open the doors to the Potions room where he saw Severus standing at a table, brewing his next batch of wolfsbane potion. Severus glanced up from his cauldron, eyebrows raised.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I would like a word," Remus had spent his walk downstairs trying to calm down. What Severus gave Emerson was nothing to get worked up over.

Except to Remus it was. Did Severus really think it was appropriate to give a child a potion with opium in it? Regardless of the amount, Severus should have made a better decision.

"I just spoke with Emerson Diors." Remus said sharply. "And was informed that you gave her a potion for pain."

Severus set his wand down and looked up at the other man. "Yes. I was instructed by Miss Diors' mother to give her something if the pain she experienced last term were to continue. And it did."

Remus crossed his arms. "Did you happen to tell Coralie about the potion you gave her last term?"

"I informed Coralie Diors that her child was in extreme distress one night and I had to resort to giving her a stronger elixir than one might have initially given her," Severus explained. "Her child was in need and I helped."

"You gave my child something with opium in it!"

"Trace amounts—" Severus stopped and watched as Remus' face fell. "I'm sorry. Did you say your child?"

He couldn't make eye contact anymore. He let it slip.

Remus told Severus that Emerson was his daughter.

Severus raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms, looking down at Remus. "You fathered a child with a woman who was married?"

Remus sat down in one of the students chairs, rubbing over his tired face with his hands. "She wasn't married yet. Not even engaged. But yes, Coralie was in a serious relationship. She decided we would never tell Emerson, especially after Everett died."

"So your child doesn't know that she's your child?" Severus questioned. "But you think it's wise for you to make judgments about what someone did for her wellbeing?"

"You gave her something that could have hurt her."

"I gave her something that got her off the floor of my classroom. If you're so much her father why weren't you here when she almost died in the first place?" Snape was annoyed, not even understanding the purpose of this conversation. "Lupin, because you are not recognized as Emerson Diors' parent or guardian I have no obligation to answer your questions about what I provided to her. You may see yourself out."

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