Chapter Two

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Two weeks into the term, classes were fully underway. Professors handed out piles of course work, and Emerson quickly found herself wanted to simply sleep.

Emerson quite liked her classes at Hogwarts. There was always something new to learn and an exciting spell to practice. Her third year allowed her to explore more course options, such as Muggle Studies. Having had lived in the middle of central London all her life, Emerson was surrounded by non-magic folk. Her house was full of magic yet the outside world wasn't.

Even though she enjoyed her classes, it was the essays that Emerson despised.

In the back of the library after dinner, Emerson sat at a round table with Fred and George, Angelina, and Alicia. After they became friends second year, the twins found they could not do their homework without Emerson's help. She figured it was because after their constant pestering and ridiculous questions, Emerson almost always gave them the answers.

They were working on a Defense Against the Dark Arts essay set by Professor Quirrel. They started the school term learning about dark creatures that roamed about the world. While each of them enjoyed the subject, the content was often difficult to understand. Quirrel had quite the stutter, and even though he taught the Defense class, it all seemed to freak him out.

"What is the most ideal home for a red cap?" Fred scratched behind his ear with his quill, looking perplexed at the fourteen inch roll of parchment in front of him.

"I think Quirrel mentioned castles?" George flipped through Creatures Through the Dark Ages with furrowed brows. "Are they related to royalty?"

Emerson reached for the book and quickly found a chapter on red caps, which were described as small creatures who had the tendency to harm people when their privacy was invaded. "It says here that they usually live in areas where blood had been shed. So dungeons of castles, battlefields, or underground. In any place where many people have died you'll probably find one."

"My dad said that he thinks he saw one in the catacombs of Paris," Alicia said as she scribbled quickly in her parchment. "Tons of people have died in there."

As they all began to write, they were stopped quickly when a tall young man sprinted into the back of the library. They group stared at him as Oliver Wood held up a finger, dropped to his knees, and heaved. "Har- Har-"

"I think Oliver might be dying," Angelina walked to Oliver and helped him stand up. He was sweating profusely, and it was likely he sprinted from wherever he was all the way to the library.

Oliver was completely incoherent as he threw his hands in every direction. Being out of breath and his accent made every word he said sound like gibberish. Finally, he took one deep breath and stood up straight. "Harry Potter is the new team Seaker."

Except for Emerson, everyone gasped and cheered quietly, careful not to get scolded by Madame Prince.

Quidditch was the Wizarding World's most beloved sport. Each Hogwarts House had their own team who battled each other mercilessly each year for the Quidditch House Cup. Gryffindor hadn't won in years, and their Seaker had left Hogwarts the previous year.

It was impressive that Harry Potter had made the team, considering the fact that tryouts hadn't even occurred yet. First year's also rarely make the team, though it isn't impossible. Last year, Angelina and Alicia convinced Emerson to try out for the Chaser position but she was unfortunately beat by then first year Katie Bell, who was just a little to fast to keep up with. Instead, Emerson became a reserve player.

"Incredible," George said in a thoughtful tone. "He's got Quidditch in his blood. His dad was one if the most famous Chaser's in Hogwarts History."

"I'm sure you'll achieve your dream of winning the cup now, Oliver," Emerson told him. Oliver smiled.

Soon after Harry Potter made the team, Quidditch practice began. As a reserve player, Emerson was still required to attend all practices and games, even if she didn't get to play herself. She was okay with it though. Without her roommates or Fred and George to keep her occupied, Emerson was frequently bored out of her mind. At least sitting on a bench while her friends flied above her gave her something to do.

Oliver sat next to her on the pitch as he watched the rest of his team fly laps on their broom. "I'm still sorry you didn't make the team last year, Emery," Oliver told her.

"I'm not," Emery said as she looked up into the sky. "I have only ridden on a broom a few times before Hogwarts. Katie's spent her whole life flying. She's great at it."

Oliver nodded before he looked down at her. "I think when I leave Hogwarts you'll have a great shot at Keeper."

Emerson shrugged and smiled. "Maybe. At least I'll know what to expect at if I decide to try out again."

"Even if you're not actually playing you're still a part of the team," Oliver said.

Emerson continued to smile. Oliver had always been nice to her, and when he broke the news that he chose someone else for the open position for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, he assured her that she would eventually have the opportunity to play. Emerson didn't really care either way, but it was nice to feel as though she was a part if something.

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