Chapter Forty

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George woke before many of the other students in the Great Hall did

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George woke before many of the other students in the Great Hall did. He didn't look around though or get up or check to see if there was any news about Sirius Black being in the castle. Instead he looked right at Emerson who was sleeping a foot away from him.

There was only one other time that George had seen Emerson sleeping, which was the night that they watched a film in the Room of Requirement and he had carried her down to the Common Room. She was adorable to look at then, and it was the same thing now.

Emerson was on her side, her left arm folded beneath her head and the other hidden within the sleeping bag. Every few seconds she let out the smallest snore, so quiet you had to listen very closely to hear it. Her brown hair was wildly disheveled and her round cheeks were pink. George thought she looked beautiful.

He wanted to tell Emerson that he liked her, though at this point love was a better word for it. She was so perfect in every way and being around her was so easy.

Fred kept pushing George to tell her, reminding him that it would be easier on him than just keeping a secret. George desperately wanted to tell her, it was just finding the right time and way to do it.

George watched Emerson for what felt like hours before she stirred. It probably looked creepy the way he was looking at her, but it wasn't supposed to be.

Emerson blinked her eyes open and yawned, bringing her arms above her head to stretch. George quickly rubbed his eyes to make it seem as though he just woke up too.

"Morning," Emerson mumbled when she saw that George was awake. "How'd you sleep?"

"Alright," George told her. He shifted his body to face her fully. She looked so cute. "You?"

"Pretty good actually," Emerson yawned again and sat up from the floor. Immediately both her hands went to her back. "Except now that I'm up my back hurts."

George sat up with her and looked around the room. There were teachers standing at the entry way giving student permission to leave. Emerson also saw this and stood up. She was still in her jeans and jumper from yesterday.

"I think I'm going to head back to the Common Room," she told George as she slipped on her shoes. "I want to shower and and sleep in my own bed for a while. I'll see you in a bit, okay?"

George nodded and waved as he watched her walk away. Once she was out of the Great Hall, he heard Fred's voice.

"You need to tell her," he said. George looked over at his brother. The sleeping back was stretched all the way over his head, leaving only an opening for his face. "Seriously, like you need to tell her."

George groaned and fell back to floor in his sleeping bag. "I want to so bad."

It was true, George really did want to tell Emerson. He wanted to hug her and kiss her and hold her hand and be able to look at her in a way that other people didn't. He loved her so much and he just needed Emerson to know.

Miss Mischief ▶ George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now