Chapter Fifty-Two

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The cheer brought by winning the Quidditch match ended quite suddenly when everyone was woken up by screaming coming from the boy's dormitory

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The cheer brought by winning the Quidditch match ended quite suddenly when everyone was woken up by screaming coming from the boy's dormitory. Emerson, Alicia, and Angelina ran downstairs to see what the commotion was, and saw Ron shouting at the top of his lungs that Sirius Black had tried to attack him with a knife.

It seemed to have gotten worse after that, because McGonagall came in and third year Neville Longbottom nearly peed his pants as he admitted to writing down the passwords to the Gryffindor common room. Teachers began patrolling the grounds more diligently. The front doors were being trained to recognize Sirius Black and trolls guarded the newly restored Fat Lady.

Emerson didn't think much of anything that was going on. The situation didn't become as drastic as last year when they were forbidden to leave a room without guidance from a peer or teacher. It truthfully didn't seem to effect her in anyway.

That was until four days after Sirius Black's break in.

Emerson was finishing up the Defense Against the Dark Arts, writing notes diligently about protection spells. Next to her, George was peering over her shoulder, copying down her notes.

"You don't learn if you don't listen," Emerson teased, winking at George.

"Shush," George said as he squinted in order to read Emerson's nearly eligible handwriting.

The bell rang and the two quickly packed up their things. Behind them Fred groaned. "I don't want double Potions with the Slytherin's."

"I know, but we have to go," Emerson told him. "Tomorrow's Friday, so just one day left of classes before the weekend."

"Miss Diors?"

Emerson turned around to see Remus waving her over. She raised her eyebrows towards George. "Tell Snape I'll be late."

"Do you want me to wait for you?" George asked. "Cause I don't mind being late either."

"No, it's alright," Emerson assured him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be down soon."

Fred and George departed, giving Emerson weary glances as they did so. Then Emerson approached Remus slowly, worried about what the hell he wanted now.

It been surprisingly easy to ignore Remus after Emerson had found out he was her father. She didn't raise her hand in class, simply listened to what he taught. She didn't address him in the corridor or any time she saw him outside of class. She simply pretended he didn't exist.

Maybe it wasn't the most mature decision, but it kept Emerson from losing control of herself.

"Yes Professor?" Emerson said slowly as she approached Remus.

"I wanted to speak with you about a conversation your mother and I had, if that's alright," Remus told her, and then gestured for her to sit down in a nearby chair.

Miss Mischief ▶ George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now