Chapter Fifty-Three

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To say that Coralie was angry with the way that Emerson spoke to Remus was an understatement

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To say that Coralie was angry with the way that Emerson spoke to Remus was an understatement. She was enraged, fuming, and completely disappointed.

The letter to Emerson said it all, along with the fact that it arrived less than 24 hours after Emerson spoke to Remus.

Coralie had in fact withdrawn Emerson's permission slip from Hogsmeade, and informed Emerson that if she smoke to Remus like that again the consequences would be severe. Emerson simply rolled her eyes and tossed letter aside.

And of course it was a Hogsmeade weekend as well, so when Fred and George asked Emerson and her roommates if they were ready for Hogsmeade, she had to break the news.

"First Quidditch, now Hogsmeade?" Fred fell backwards onto the common room couch dramatically. "You've got to be joking."

"Nope," Emerson pulled her legs up onto the chair she was sitting in and sat crosslegged. "She said it's more of a punishment now because of the way I spoke to Lupin."

"Did you tell him that you know?" Alicia rose her eyebrows, concern in her voice.

"How do I tell him?" Emerson rolled her eyes. "Hey Professor, I know you shagged my mum while she was with my dad and that I'm actually your child."

"I feel that maybe leaving out the word shag would be a good idea," Angelina suggested.

"I just think that if he is going to act like my father, then he needs to tell me that he is my father," Emerson shrugged. "It's as simple as that."

George perched himself on the arm of the chair, looking down at Emerson. "How do you feel about all of this?"

Emerson leaned into George's side. "I think it's complete and utter bullshit. I don't understand why they are projecting their fear of Sirius Black onto me.  I get that they want to protect me, but it's just getting to be ridiculous."

They all sat in silence for a few moments, the boys and other two girls stealing glances towards each other, trying to figure out what to say next. Emerson saw this and shook her head.

"You all can go to Hogsmeade without me you know, I won't be upset," Emerson meant it. She wasn't going to let her friends miss out on fun because of her mother's choice.

Fred rose an eyebrow at her. Emerson knew what he was hinting at, the one-eyed witch passage to Honeydukes. Emerson shook her head. There was a chance that Remus was going to come looking for her to insure that she didn't sneak off.

"I'll stay here with you," George told her.

"No, you should go too," Emerson said, frowning. "You don't need to miss out on the fun just for me."

"You are the fun, Emmie."

Emerson laughed at the cheekiness, while her friends rolled their eyes. "If you really want to stay I suppose that's alright with me."

"Let's get to it then," Fred stood from the couch and pulled on his coat. "Emery, George, we'll bring you back some sugar and butterbeer."

George was laying on his bed, propped up against pillows watching as Emerson paced around his dormitory. She was ranting about her mother and Remus, ponytail swinging as she marched back and forth.

"And truthfully I don't care that much about going to Hogsmeade, but they are just continuously trying to take things away from me," Emerson rolled her eyes to herself before stopping in front of George's bed, hands on her hips. "Then they get mad because I get mad. But what else am I suppose to do?"

"I think your reaction is reasonable," George said. He patted the spot on the bed next to him, silently telling Emerson to come sit down. "You've got a lot of things happening."

"Mum doesn't think so," Emerson mumbled.

It was all so exhausting. Hiding the fact that she knew Remus was her father was becoming more and more difficult to do. She saw him nearly everyday and had to simply pretend that everything was okay.

"Do you think you're going to tell her that you know?" George wrapped his arm tightly around Emerson, pulling her as closely as possible.

"Part of me is just pushing me to do it," Emerson said. "There's another part that wants to wait for her to tell me herself. After all, this is my identity. Everett Diors isn't actually my father, its my bloody professor."

George nodded as he stroked Emerson's hair. "I think you should just do it. Be honest about your feelings too, they beed to hear everything you're feeling."

"Mum's just going to tell me how unreasonable I'm being."

"I'm sure she would feel the same way if she found out that her dad wasn't actually her dad, Emmie," George said. "As you just said, this is your identity."

Emerson groaned and closed her eyes. "This is just too complicated."

A loud knock on the door turned Emerson and George's attention away from each other. George huffed and pushed himself out of bed and opened the door reluctantly, revealing (of course) Oliver.

"Hey George, I wanted to show you and Fred..." Oliver trailed off as he looked over George's shoulder and saw Emerson sitting on the bed. "Em? What are you doing here?"

"Talking with my boyfriend," Emerson stated flatly. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to show Fred and George the new Quidditch agenda I developed to practice for the cup," he said. "Sorry if I'm um, interrupting...whatever you're doing."

"We're just talking," George informed him, his nose wrinkling a bit at Oliver's subtle suggestion. "Can I come talk to you about this later?"

"Actually this is very important—"

George cut of Oliver by shutting the door quickly in his face. He turned towards Emerson, rolling his eyes.

"I told you not to let her be a distraction!" Oliver shouted through the door.

As George walked back towards the bed he should his head. "Sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry," a small smirk appeared on Emerson's lips. "I thought you slamming the door in his face was quite attractive."

George raised his eyebrows. "Oh really?" He laid down on the bed next to Emerson and wrapped his arms around her. "Let's make out."

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