Chapter Nine

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There was no hesitation when it came to Mrs Weasley giving her punishment to the Weasley boys for sneaking out the previous night. And even though she believed wholeheartedly that Emerson was not to blame, she still wrote to Coralie, who requested right away that her daughter receive whatever punishment the rest of them were getting.

De-gnoming the Weasley's massive garden did not seem all that bad to Emerson, but the way the twins made it sound–it was supposed to be absolutely life ending. Emerson stood next to George who showed her exactly how to pick them up and throw them.

"Here," he ran over to a battered wooden table where he picked up a pair of yellow gloves. When he came back, he helped Emerson get them onto her hands. "The little buggers have sharp teeth."

Emerson pulled her hair up and fixed her top. It was a rather hot day, so all of them were dressed her shorts and t-shirts, sweating underneath the early August sun.

She watched with raised eyebrows as George picked up a very irritated garden gnome by it's ankles and brought it over his head, ringing it around in large circles before letting it launch over the garden hedge.

"They look like potatoes," Emerson said as she watched the gnome scream through the air before it disappeared.

George laughed. "That they do. Your turn."

While grimacing, Emerson kneeled down where six garden gnomes were circled about, grumbling angrily amongst themselves. Without thinking anymore, Emerson she snatched one up by it's feet and began swirling it above her head.

"Merlin's beard, Emery, that went far!" nearby, Fred looked impressed as he followed a line of gnomes who were desperately trying to get away.

"I'm more than just a pretty face." Emerson began throwing gnome after gnome. Eventually, she and George started a contrast to see who could go farther.

The more and more the gnomes disappeared the more Emerson realized that she was almost having fun. The twins and Ron thought it was ridiculous and Harry could not stop laughing every time she cursed out the gnomes for not going far enough. Dirt and bite marks covered her arms. George was right; the gloves kept her fingers safe but not her wrists and forearms.

"Oi, come look at this lot!" Ron motioned everyone to come to an area surrounded by weeds and flowers. They laughed as they saw a group of gnomes that were trying to bury themselves in the dirt.

"Ridiculous," Fred shook his head at the little creatures before he nabbed one up by the feet and tossed it over the hedge.

Emerson brushed off her legs and grabbed the feet of a gnome who had dug himself head first into the earth. However, and after pulling on him once she realized that he was really stuck. She continued to pull and pull, but he didn't budge. The boys and her looked back and forth, but she was determined and yanked even harder.

"Lemme help," George put his large hands around Emerson's and began pulling as well, leaning back on his heels to make it easier. Suddenly, the little gnome gave way and flew backwards as Emerson and George landed hard on their backsides, legs going in the air and dirt flying everywhere.

"Oh my," Emerson placed her hands on her stomach as her ribs started pinching painfully from her uncontrollable laughter.

"That was great," George turned over on his side and covered his face with his arm, trying to conceal his loud laughter.

Standing above, Ron, Harry, and Fred shook their heads, laughing along with their relentless noise. "You lot are weird."

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