Chapter Thirty-Three

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No matter how hard she tried, Emerson could not wrap her head around the fact that Remus Lupin was at Hogwarts

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No matter how hard she tried, Emerson could not wrap her head around the fact that Remus Lupin was at Hogwarts. Why? How? How did she not know that he was going to be here? After spending the past three months at her house he should have dropped some sort of hint that he would be going to Hogwarts this year, most likely as a teacher.

After Remus entered the compartment the six fifth years were hiding when the dementor came aboard the train, Emerson stood there in shock. Eventually after he took her long period of silence and a couple nods as a "Yes, I am okay," Remus left and Emerson just continued to stand in the center of the compartment.

"Emery?" George asked as she stared at the now closed door for almost a minute after Remus left. "Emery, are you alright?"

She nodded once with a dry mouth.

"Who was that?" Fred glanced at the door where Remus had just disappeared from view.

"Remus Lupin," Emerson slouched back down onto the compartment bench and furrowed her eyebrows. "He...he's a friend of my mum's. I don't...know what he's doing here."

Alicia raised an eyebrow and frowned. "He looked awfully professional. Do you think he could be a new teacher?"


The Great Hall was filled with chatter when they arrived. It made sense, after all, Dementors had just swarmed the train and Harry became the talk of the school when word spread that he fainted in the train.

George, Fred, and Emerson took their seats closest to the doors of the Hall, so they wouldn't be trampled when they left. After a few moments Alicia and Angelina sat next to them, and soon, much to Emerson's dislike, followed by Oliver.

There were so many things swirling through Emerson's mind that it was becoming difficult for her to focus. Remus was here. Oliver sat down near her. George was sitting just inches from her left. Her head was beginning to hurt and there was a strange pinch in her back that only worsened when she fell on the train.

At the high table in the front of the room Emerson saw Remus, who sat next to Snape. He looked pleasantly calm despite the events that had taken place on the train; the rest of the teachers looked rather shaken.

After everyone was seated and the Sorting Hat sang his song and sorted the first years, Dumbledore stood. He said words of welcome and then began to slowly explain the event on the train.

"This year, Hogwarts will be hosting Dementors from Azkaban. They are here upon request of the Ministry of Magic." There was silence in the hall. There didn't need to be an explanation for the students to be aware that the Dementors were here looking for Sirius Black.

Dumbledore ordered that the students were to be on their best behavior, as Dementors were quick to anger. Nobody was to leave the school without permission.

Fred huffed at that as it meant there was to be no sneaking to Hogsmeade when it wasn't a Hogsmeade weekend. It was likely that they were still going to do it anyway.

"Now, I would like to introduce the newest member of our staff," Dumble raised his hand towards the teachers. " Professor Remus Lupin will be taking the role of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year."

A round of applause erupted through the hall, and Emerson's jaw dropped. Immediately she knew what Remus meant when he assured Coralie that there was no doubt that she would be safe this year. It also meant that everything she did would likely be reported to her mother.

Remus smiled happily at the students before they quieted down and allowed Dumbledore to resume speaking.

After the rest of the introductions, the feast began and soon it was time to go to the common room. They stood and as they began to walk to the doors of the Great Hall, Emerson heard her name.

The twins and Emerson stopped and turned around. Oliver was trying to weave through other Gryffindors towards them. She sighed and looked up at Fred and George who looked incredibly annoyed. "You two can go ahead.

Emerson stayed still until Oliver got near. He didn't say anything, even as they exited the hall. But once they reached the first staircase he spoke.

"How was your holiday?"

"Alright," Emerson shrugged and glanced up at him. "Yours?"

"It was fine."

Emerson wasn't sure why Oliver was walking with her or what the purpose was of this short conversation. She felt more guilty than before as she saw the blank, almost saddened expression on his face.

Oliver said nothing more as they made it to the common room. Even as they entered the Fat Lady's portrait there was still silence. Emerson became worried that whatever conversation he wanted to have was going to happen in front of everyone in Gryffindor Tower.

Fred and George sat by the fire waiting for Emerson's return. When he saw the look of displeasure written across Emerson's face he frowned. As Oliver stopped walking, the two boys quickly looked away.

"Em..." Oliver said slowly as he turned to face Emerson. She could feel her heart beating faster and faster. Whatever Oliver was planning on saying, it wasn't going to be a conversation she wanted to have. "Look, I just wanted to tell you that I'm not mad at you. And I accept your apology for not being interested in me."

At first, Emerson was pleased that Oliver wasn't mad. But his second statement made her want to scream. She stuttered, confused and unsure of the best words to say.

"Oliver I—I never apologized for not having feelings for you," Emerson stated.

"Well, when I asked you out last year you said you were sorry for saying no. I just wanted to tell you that I forgive you," the tone in Oliver's voice made it seem like it was the obvious thing in the world.

Emerson shook her head. "In a situation like that people just say they're sorry to say that they are sorry. I can't apologize for what I feel, I don't have any control over it. Now, I'm sorry that you misunderstood me."

He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. His face grew red from embarrassment as other student's turned their heads to hear the conversation. Finally, Oliver's shoulder dropped and he nodded. "I understand. Good night, Emery"

Emerson rolled her eyes as Oliver turned around. She flopped down on the couch between Fred and George, and then immediately regretted it when the sharp pain shot all the way to her neck.

"What was that about?" Fred looked at her confused.

"Apparently you're supposed to apologize for everything in this world."

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