Chapter Six

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Oliver continued to act strange around Emerson

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Oliver continued to act strange around Emerson. It was so strange in fact, that their peers had begun to take notice of it.

"Why is Oliver staring at you?"

"Oliver wants to talk to you before Quidditch practice again."

"That was the third time that Oliver has offered to do your Transfiguration homework when you complained about it."

When questions about his behavior arrived, Emerson really did not know what to say. It was beginning to make her uncomfortable and anxious, making her want to avoid him everywhere she went. Oliver was a very nice lad, she knew, but the way he was around her was just so different.

One night at the end of January, Angelina was thinking out loud as Emerson complained.

"It's possible that he likes you, Emery," she said. Emerson immediately sat up straight from where she was slouching against her bed. "He's probably just too shy to say it, so he is acting differently."

Emerson really didn't want to believe that. "That can't be it," she said firmly. "Oliver doesn't know a single thing about me. And all I know is that he is in love with Quidditch and won't bug off."

"Then tell him to bugger off," Alicia said pointedly. "He won't do it if you ask him not to."

Putting her head in her hands, Emerson groaned. "I can't do that," her voice was muffled. She lifted her head up slowly, keeping her eyes closed. "He's always so happy. If I say something wrong he'll just be upset and I don't want to be the reason why."

Deep down though, Emerson knew that Alicia was probably right. If Emerson simply told Oliver to stop always bothering, he probably wouldn't anymore. At the same time, there was the slightest possibility that it was just Oliver being Oliver. Maybe he just wanted to become closer friends. She decided to try and stick to that thought.

As the weeks passed, Emerson tried to avoid much contact with Oliver, and spent most of her time in the back of the library with Fred and George, or up in the dormitory with her roommates. The only time the two had much contact was during Quidditch practice, which was only an hour or two. Even then, Oliver spent all his time up in the air with the rest of the team and Emerson was on the ground.

Near Valentine's Day, the odd behavior had begun to fade. When Oliver did talk to Emerson, it was about Quidditch or classes or just about how she was doing. Everything became perfectly normal in Emerson's eyes. But that changed on February 14th, when Oliver approached her after supper as Emerson was headed toward her dormitory.

"Hey Em, I was at Hogsmeade and Honeydukes was having a discount on chocolates."

Much to Emerson's dismay, he held up a small pink box and opened it. Squares of chocolates, brown, white, and even red, sat inside with little red and pink sprinkles covering each. Emerson blushed and stuttered. She was once again too stunned to speak.

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