Chapter Twenty-Five

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Emerson Rosanna Diors,

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Emerson Rosanna Diors,

How's your summer? Splendid? Ghastly? Adequate? I'm just listing random adjectives.

We hope you can visit us soon. Georgie and I need someone to keep us sane. Although I'm not sure how you could do that considering you are as insane as they get.

Percy's a prat. Ron's just annoying. Ginny won't stop talking about Harry. It's truly been a boring summer.

Make sure to write back, Emmykins!


PS. Dad entered some kind of contest at the Ministry for money.

Fred Gideon Weasley,

HOW DARE YOU ADDRESS ME BY MY FULL NAME? I should send you a howler just for that.

My summer's been fine. I finished all of my course work that I needed to and my mum has been trying to help me prepare for the OWLs.

I don't know why but I have this crazy idea that Percy might become Head Boy. If he does, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

I talked to mum and she said I can visit you guys towards the end of the summer.


PS. Mum entered the same contest.


When are you coming to visit? Percy makes me want to cry. Me and Fred need another person to share our misery with.

Me and Fred have been making lists of pranks to do this year. We've been having Ginny help us and trust me, she is a genius. I would send you the list but I decided that you can't see it until you get her.

I miss you. It's really boring without you here.


PS. I was in the family room with Percy and Ginny when I was writing to you with Percy and Ginny and Percy told me to tell you to "Have a good summer, Emerson." Then Ginny told him off and informed him that you do not like being called Emerson.


My mum said I can see you all at the end of the summer. And you really need to work on your grammar. It's Fred and I, not me and Fred.

I definitely can't wait to see what you guys have come up with as far as pranks. Ginny is brilliant. Of course, she has you and Fred as brothers so why wouldn't she be. ツ

I hope to see you soon!

PS. That's the Ginny I love. ♡

Dear Emery,

How could you not tell me that Oliver told you he liked you?!

And how could you not tell me that you said no to being his girlfriend?!

But I did want to tell you before you heard it from someone else that Oliver has asked me to be Quidditch captain after he leaves. I didn't respond to him because I wanted to ask about how you felt. I know he asked you first.

Alicia and I are at a summer Quidditch camp and she told me to tell you that she misses you and can't wait for the school year to start.

Happy summer and we'll see you soon.


I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, I've been trying not to think about it.

I'm also very happy that Oliver asked you to be captain. That is your choice to make.

I hope you and Alicia have fun.


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