Chapter Seventeen

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"Your nose is fine, the bruising is gone, and it looks like your leg is almost completely healed

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"Your nose is fine, the bruising is gone, and it looks like your leg is almost completely healed. Just another couple weeks in the boot and everything will be fine!" Madame Pomfrey pulled down Emerson's pant leg over her walking boot and helped her stand. When asked about why she needed to wear it, Madame Pomfrey said that due to how badly her leg was broken, it was to make sure the bones had properly fused back together. She was also given a potion, a particularly nasty one, by Professor Snape that would accelerate the healing process.

It was Emerson's sixth checkup in two weeks, three each week, just to make sure that everything was alright. It wasn't all that bad in Emerson's opinion, but it was really repetitive.

"So I'll see you on Monday?" Emerson asked in a peppy voice, trying to make it seem as though she and Poppy Pomfrey were best friends. The nurse rolled her eyes before rushing her out the door.

Outside of the Hospital Wing, Fred, George, and Lee waited for her, ready to get to Hogsmeade.

"It's about bloody time," Fred huffed jokingly as they saw Emerson emerge. "We've been waiting here forever."

"Oh shut it," Emerson told him. "I was in there for twenty minutes."

"How'd it go?" George asked.

"Same as always. Check my back, check my leg, check my face, and we're done. It's always the highlight of my day."

"When d'you get the boot off?" Lee asked.

"Few weeks," Emerson said. "Madame Pomfrey just said that it's practically just maintenance now. Magic can fix anything, but in extreme cases it isn't always perfect."

Emerson hated the attention she was getting from her injury. The concussion left her brain foggy, and it was difficult to focus. Her professors were kind enough to let her spend an extra couple of weeks out of class, and while Emerson was thankful, she was also bored out of her mind. When the twins or her roommates were in class, she had no choice but to just lay in bed or try her hardest to do coursework work on her own time.

Additionally, the walking boot was a complete hassle. Emerson walked lopsided everywhere she went and after a while it became just straight painful.

And as they walked towards the exit to head to Hogsmeade, Emerson began to dread agreeing to go. Sure, she was excited to get out of the common room and spend time with her friends, but the idea of walking there was not amusing.

Just as they walked out the door of the castle, Fred turned to Emerson. "Are you really coming to Hogsmeade dressed like that?"

Emerson looked down at what she was wearing with a confused expression. She was wearing stretchy trousers, as they were the only thing that she could wear with her boot, gray jumper, and her hair looked like it hadn't been combed in days. "Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing?"

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