Chapter Five

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It was Christmas Eve

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It was Christmas Eve. The sky was gray and the snow fell slowly, freezing Emerson's skin as it made contact with her rosy cheeks. Although her winter boots went up to the middle of her shins, it didn't stop the snow from making its way into her socks.

Hogsmeade was bustling due to everyone running to stores for last minute presents. Alicia and Angelina had been gone for about a week, and three days ago Fred and George were caught putting an elf costume on Mrs Norris, earning them a second detention in less than a week. As a result, Emerson was left to go to Hogsmeade alone.

She didn't mind the solitude though, Emerson came to realize as she walked the beaten, snow covered path to the village. The quiet was nice and the winter scenery around her made it peaceful. In HogsmeadeHoliday music played in each store. Small children were beggin their parents for toys in Zonko's Joke Shop and other Hogwarts students ran to the Three Broomsticks to warm themselves up with Butter Beer.

For the first half hour that she was there, Emerson managed to get two new Invisiquillity's for Fred at Zonko's, which were fancy quills that had invisible ink that could only be seen by the writer, as well as a massive bag of chocolates and candies from Honeyduke's for George. Emerson spent the rest of her time walking in and out of shops, grabbing small gifts for Angelina and Alicia and trying to determine what she should tell her mother what she wanted for Christmas.

Emerson turned the corner of the post office and was met face to face with a large body. She stumbled backwards with a yelp, dropping the bag of presents into the snow, and landing hard on her but. "Watch where you're going–" she cut herself off when she looked and realized that it was Oliver standing above her looking both guilty and surprised.

"Emery? I'm so sorry!' Oliver reached down to grab her hand and pulled her to feet. "Are you alright? I didn't see you there."

"It's okay, Oliver," Emerson said as she readjusted her coat and brushed off her pants. "Snow covered her backside and she could feel it slowly soaking through the denim and onto her skin. She did her best to brush off all of the snow, looking slightly crazy as she twisted around to try and get the freezing dust off her backside.

Oliver reached up suddenly towards Emerson's face, making her flinch suddenly, and pulled her gray hat father over her eyers. "Merlin, Em, you must be freezing." Oliver's gloved fingers lingered over her red cheeks as though he could feel the cold radiating off her skin. Emerson backed away from his touch quickly, and Oliver's hand fell to his side.

"Erm, yeah, it is a bit chilly," she mumbled as she reached down to pick up her bag from the ground. She glanced back at Oliver, who was looking down at his hands anxiously. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," Oliver scratched under her winter hand before he slipped his hands into his coat pockets. "Do you want to come to the Three Broomsticks with me? I'm sure a Butter Beer might warm you up a bit."

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