Chapter Forty-Six

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As December started, the excitement for the end of the first term took its tool on Hogwarts

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As December started, the excitement for the end of the first term took its tool on Hogwarts. Students were looking forward to a break for the holiday, and fifth years especially were desperate for time without homework.

Aside from the holiday, Gryffindor's were most excited about Quidditch. At the end of November, Hufflepuff was beaten by Ravenclaw, making the next Gryffindor against Ravenclaw.

Emerson spent most of her time still studying, which was becoming increasingly frustrating as it meant there was minimal time to enjoy leisure activities. But today was the first Saturday that Emerson had nothing to do and it would be her and George's first official date.

There were one specific guideline that Emerson put in place for her first date. Under no circumstances would she set foot in Madame Puddifoot's Tea Shop. She had never been there before, but according to others that had frequented the shop it was nothing but pink and a snogfest.

The couple had decided they were going to keep things as casual as possible. Sure, they were more than just friends now but the only major difference was that now they could kiss.

And Emerson could not get enough of kissing George. It was completely normal for a fifteen year old girl to be completely obsessed with her new boyfriend and it was completely fine for him to be just as equally obsessed with her.

Every time Emerson saw George she wanted to grab his face and kiss him. It was probably becoming quite annoying, the number of times she would just lean of and kiss George wherever she could reach. But really she was wrong.

George too loved kissing Emerson. He loved holding her hand or pulling her close in his arms so he could take in the scent of vanilla and orchids. Everything about the girl just drove him crazy (crazy in a good way), emotional and physically. It would probably be a long time before they got farther than holding hands and light kisses on the lips and George and Emerson were completely fine with that.

Emerson spent a long time getting dressed. Just like the first day that she and George were together, she wanted to look perfect, even though she knew George would probably still like her if she showed up in pajamas.

She picked out a dark green jumper and some jeans, then pulled on a brown jacket and brown winter boots. A thin layer of snow covered the ground outside and the early winter air was cold. Emerson was going to be prepared for the weather this time and not need George jacket.

Although, wearing George's jacket would be quite nice.

As she looked in the mirror, Emerson's eyes fell on her hair. It was becoming incredibly long, almost to her waist. As it got longer it was beginning to lose it waves and become more straight. The longer she looked at herself, the more Emerson felt the urge to chop her hair to her shoulders.

When Emerson went downstairs, George was waiting for her on one of the couches. He was fidgeting with his hands, indicating that he was probably as nervous as she was.

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