Chapter Four

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Hogwarts was the most beautiful during winter time

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Hogwarts was the most beautiful during winter time. Icicles rimmed around the crowned the castle and snow glistened throughout the courtyard. Even on the coldest of days, students would still go outside just to see the beauty. The snow was fun too, student's older and younger would often go outside to have magical snowball fights and create the strangest snowmen ever seen.

It was mid-December when Emerson found herself bundled up outside with Fred and George, enchanting perfectly round snowballs. The winter holiday had just begun and usually Emerson went home for Christman, however Coralie was in Spain on a Profit trip. It was also the first Holiday that the twins would be spending at Hogwarts with their parents going out of the country. Alicia and Angelina had left the three days prior for home, leaving Emerson with no one but the Weasley's.

"How do you know that this is going to work?" Emerson shivered. Her thin gloves were less than desirable to keep her hands warm and she did not bother to pull her hat down to cover her ears.

"Because, Emery," George said as he shoved a perfect snowball into her hand. "Charlie told us the spell. And Charlie has a very strict no lying policy."

"Oh please," Emerson scoffed. "Do you really think that he follows that?"

Fred and George ignored her as they continued to make snowballs. After a large pile stacked up, the three of them grabbed as many as they could carry and made their way towards the castle.

"Alright, what's the plan, Freddie?" George looked at his brother, who was peeking around the castle wall.

"Well, Georgie," Fred turned to them, a wicked grin crossing his face. "WE simple wait until someone comes towards this part of the castle. And if I remember correctly, Quirrel makes him morning stroll around the castle around noon and it's..." he raised his eyebrows and Emerson.

She looked down at her cracked silver watch. "Eleven fifty-seven." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a wrinkled, folded piece of parchment and muttered, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," as it opened.

"There he is," George pointed to a set of footprints on the map. The name Quireel was printed in swirly letters right above them. "He's going out the west exit. He'll be here soon."

Fred and Geroge dropped their snowballs in a pile at Emerson's feet and motioned her to huddle down next to them. The wind was blowing hard, pushing most of Emerson's long brown hair into her face. The twins pulled out their wands, pointed them at the snowball and said quietly "wingardium leviosa." One by one, each snowball began to float about an inch into the air.
Emerson's eyes narrowed and she shoved George hard. "That's the spell? You made it sound like it was some bloody family secret! Of course that would work, a first year could figure it out."

Fred rolled his eyes and threw one of the smaller snowballs at Emerson. "Well, no first year has figured it out, have they?" She shoved him, just like she did George, but she crouched farther down as she heard the sound of heavy footsteps.

Emerson never wanted to get into playing tricks and pranks. When she first became friends with Fred and George Weasley she simply found it amusing watching them use their creativity to develop devious acts against unfortunate passing students. The first prank she did was just out of pure boredom, when she and George charmed dozens of toy stakes to chase the caretaker's cat. Emerson never thought she would do it again, but the adrenaline rush she got and the happiness from success made her want to do it again.

Under her breath, Emerson muttered Protego, creating an invisible shield around them as the footsteps got closer. Each of them had their wands on a set of snowballs, ready to launch them when the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher came into view.

Fred was the first to go. He expertly aimed the snowball in a way that would carry it right to the back of Professor Quirrel's turban. Emerson bit her lip as she watched it fly through the air, turning over and over rapidly, before it made sudden contact with he man's head. His feet tripped over each other before he regained his balance and attempted to continue on his walk.

With a go signal from Fred, the three of them began throwing snowballs, one after another, perfectly aiming them with the help of their wands. Quirrel launched forward from the impact and landed hard on his front. He got up, brushed himself off, and a moment later was bombarded with more snowballs.

Emerson exploded with laughter, unable to contain herself. George was next to follow. He landed on his back, clutching his stomach as he attempted to breath normally. While George and Emerson tried to get themselves straight, Fred showed no mercy as snowball after snowball slammed into Quirrel's turban.


In horror, they looked up to see Professor McGonagall leaning out her window with one of the angriest looks they had never seen. Emerson only set the protection charm in front of her, not above.

"Shit! Run!"

With wands in their hands, Emerson, George, and Fred scrambled to their feet and sprinted to the nearest door of the castle. They didn't bother to see if anyone saw them run through the halls, which was strictly forbidden. If Filch saw them, they would be in for it.
They turned around the top of the banister to the moving staircase but skidded to a slipper halt when they saw Professor PmGonagall standing before them, arms crossed with a furious expression. Her gray hair was pulled up, stretching her face to the point of tearing.

"Hello, Professor," Emerson said politely, given her an innocent smile. The twins followed her actions, peeling of their hats and gloves and stuffing them in their pockets.


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