Chapter Eight

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Emerson was at the Burrow for five days

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Emerson was at the Burrow for five days.

That was how long before the twins, Ron, and Emerson made a plan to do something incredibly insane. They were going to rescue Harry Potter without letting Mrs Weasley know; it was basically a suicide mission.

The four of them were gathering in Ron's room, huddled close together, whispering as quietly among themselves.

"Here's the plan," Fred began. "We'll go downstairs one at a time. First Ron, then George, then Emery, and then me. We'll get the car as quietly as possible and then we'll go from there."

"Are you sure you know how to drive it?" Ron asked doubtfully.

"Yes," George nodded, full of confidence. "And if we have difficulty, I'm sure Emery will know. She knows all about Muggle cars, right Em?"

Emerson nodded, her lips tightly closed. That seemed to end the conversation because the next thing she knew, she was being dragged by the twins to their room.

As they slipped on their shoes and pulled on their jumpers, Emerson pulled her air back into a knot, securing it with a pin. She always had one in her pocket or in her eye, You never know when you might need to pick a lock. She even taught Fred and George how to do it.

After about fifteen minutes of leaving one by one, they were all squeezing into Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia. Ron sat in the backseat while Fred, Emerson, and George took the front. It wasn't too tight of a squeeze with the three of them sitting side by side in the front, considering that Mr Weasley enchanted the car to be much bigger in the inside than it looked.

"Ready, children?" Fred faked a deep voice. He didn't wait for an answer before he slammed on the gas pedal, launching the vehicle forward. And for a wizard boy who had never driven a car before, he was quite good at driving.

Mr Weasley had additionally put a flying charm on the car, because the next think Emerson knew they were lifting off into the air. They continued to go higher and higher until they were at least fifty feet above the Burrow.

The ride to Harry's house couldn't have taken more than a half an hour, though Emerson wasn't sure. She spent nearly the whole ride looking out the window watching as the trees, which looked inky black against the navy blue sky, passed underneath them.

"That one!" Ron finally gasped as they flew above a small but very crowded street. "The one with bars on the window!"

Emerson leaned forward. "Merlin's beard," she muttered as they got closer to the two story home.

They pulled the car up to the window, trying to be as quiet as possible. Ron rolled down his own window and reached through the bars, frantically tapping on the glass. Maybe thirty seconds later, Harry's black hair, green eyes, and circular glasses appeared in the window.

Harry's eyes were wide as he pushed his window opened and peered through the bars. "Ron? How did you– What the–"

George leaned casually out the window as Harry was struck speechless. "All right there, Harry?"

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