Chapter Twenty-One

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possible trigger warning at the end (drugs)

Emerson knew that the moment Ceres perched in her window the next morning, she was going to regret the day she was born

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Emerson knew that the moment Ceres perched in her window the next morning, she was going to regret the day she was born. Professor McGonagall had written Coralie a letter regarding the situation with the little Slytherin brat and informed her of the consequences that were given. Emerson also knew that Coralie was going to have her own punishments to hand out.

She squinted at the owl on her windowsill and sighed when she saw that it was a crisp white envelope. Thank Merlin it's not a howler.


Emerson immediately cringed when she saw that Coralie wrote out her full name.

Words can not explain how cross I am. You HIT another student? You know better than that, you are fifteen years old. I know that he said some awful things but you can't do that. I love you to pieces my dear but I'm just in shock that you would do such a thing.

You will be pleased to know that Lucius Malfoy has not said anything to be about what happened. I believe that it is because he knows that his son hit you back and he does not want that negative attention.

We are going to have a talk when you come home. For now, please focus on just getting through the rest of the term safely. You only have a week left. And if I get any more letters from your professors that are not about anything positive I will be very unhappy.

I love you my dear,

Emerson sighed and flopped back onto her bed, and then looked down to see that Bandit had crawled up towards her. "Oh Bandit," she muttered. "I am in deep shit when I get home." Her cat meowed up at her and then leaped off the bed towards the door. Emerson groaned as she got up from her bed, and then groaned again when she felt the ache in her back. She opened the door and watched with an amused face as Bandit ran out the door and down to the common room.

Laughing quietly to herself, Emerson made her way slowly down the stairs. Right away Fred and George were waiting there and at the bottom of the steps.

"Do you two just always wait around for me?" Emerson raised an eyebrow at them.

Fred shrugged. "No, we heard your devil cat so we figured you were about to come downstairs."

Emerson glanced around. "Speaking of, where'd she go?"

George pointed towards the portrait hole. "Someone just left and she kind of just jumped out after them." Emerson just shrugged in response.

"She'll find her way back."

With the twins following, Emerson walked towards the couches and slumped in a chair. She wasn't mad anymore, referring to George's "I told you to stop" comment. The first time she tried to hurt Malfoy no one told her to, she did it on impulse. It was the same as this time.

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