Chapter Fifty-One

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The break over the holiday went by in a flash

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The break over the holiday went by in a flash. On Christmas morning, Emerson gave the twins and her friends (the two that she had) their presents and then spent the rest of the day eating her body weight in treacle tarts and Mrs. Weasley's homemade chocolate chip cookies. She was incredibly happy for the break to go by so smoothly.

Emerson was also very happy that she received a letter from her mother, which was something she had serious doubts about occurring. The letter was short and simple, but told informed Emerson that she was loved and missed by Coralie.

January went by just as fast as December, and then soon February had arrived. Most of the time, Emerson was with her fellow Gryffindor fifth years, studying until their eyes burned and their backsides ached. Things all seemed to be going well, especially with the nearing Quidditch match against Ravenclaw, and the fact that Harry was had managed to get his hands on a Firebolt.

Emerson had come down from the common room after changing out of her robes to see almost every person in Gryffindor huddled together.

"What's going on down here?" Emerson tapped Alicia on the shoulder, who looked back at her, looking so happy she was gonna cry.

"Harry got a fucking Firebolt."

Emerson nearly choked, and then pushed Alicia aside to see the broom for herself. Then she saw it, a Firebolt in all it's smooth, polished glory. "How the hell did he get that?"

"Apparently he's had it since Christmas," George tutted and sent a fake glare in Harry's direction. "But McGonagall said she had to make sure it wasn't jinxed."

"Blimey," Emerson raised her eyebrows. "Riding on that broom, you guys are sure going to win the match against Ravenclaw."

Then the day of the match against Ravenclaw came, and Emerson was pulled along to the Great Hall for breakfast. She held George's hand, who talking optimistically about the game. "And there's no way the Dementor's will be there again," he said. "But even if they are, I'm sure Harry will be able to outfly them on that broom."

"And he Firebolt will outstrip any of the Ravenclaw's brooms by a longshot," Emerson told him. "There's no way you all won't win."

Just before eleven, Emerson followed the team out of the castle and towards the Quidditch stadium. But before they reached the exit, Emerson yanked George back and pulled him around the corner.

"Emmie, what are you--"

Emerson cut George off with a firm kiss, standing on her tip toes and pulling him towards her by his robes. George let out a satisfying noise before he melted into the kiss, grabbing Emerson's hips tightly. When the two pulled away, George blinked.

"What was that?"

"I just wanted to give you a good luck present," Emerson laughed and shook her head. "If it's not appreciated though, I won't do it again."

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