💌 Characters Introduction & Prologue

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👉 Tay Tawan

💙 One of the top actors in Thailand

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💙 One of the top actors in Thailand.
💙 Gorgeous AF! Nice, friendly, polite, a gentle soul, have positive mind, his smile alone enough to brighten up the world.
💙 His laughs so unrestrained and so full hearted, it's just so infectious listening to it.
💙 A bit clumsy. (This is why his fans always baby-ing him and want to protect him at all cost)
💙 His fans call him 'God of destruction' as he always break things though he really didn't intend to.
💙 On the day of his wedding, he got stood up. The bride left him at the altar.
💙 After a few days of being blank and drunk, he decided to run away to a remote village to clear his mind.
💙 During his 'healing time', he met a guy name Newwiee, who he called a nuisance.
💙 They likes to fight and argue a lot since both has different personalities. But actually, they cares towards each other although they were just met.


👉 New Thitipoom

💕 Live at the remote village since he was born

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💕 Live at the remote village since he was born.
💞 Too beautiful for a man. His pale white skin are jealousy of most of the girls in the village and his mole in his nose are his most attractive feature.
💞 Cheerful, naive, full of cuteness, but sometimes likes to argue back.
💞 Just like his name - Thitipoom, he is full of love. Always graceful and charming when dealing with others, his emotional intelligence is very high.
💞 He lives with his grandma who are deaf and mute.


👉 Off Jumpol

💚 Tay's best friend

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💚 Tay's best friend.
💚 Also an actor.
💚 Have amazing sense of humor, easy going and very talkative.
💚 His fans called him a kiddo, because despite of his age, his behavior is still like a kid. Also called as a Master of Words because of his ability to play words.
💚 He is the only person who openly telling Tay that Tay's girlfriend are not the right one.

💚 Though they're bff, they got some love & hate relationship. Psst! Off has a crush towards Tay. 🤭


👉 Namtarn Tipnaree

🖤 Tay's fiance who ran away at the day they were supposed to get marry

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🖤 Tay's fiance who ran away at the day they were supposed to get marry.
🖤 Non-celebrity... But, since the day she broke Tay's heart, she became a hot topic in the town.
🖤 Disappeared like a thin air.



🎤 Mic Test Mic Test...

🎤 1 2 1 2

Anyone who heard me please wave your hand to the camera... 👋

Eheem! My name is Off Jumpol and no...this story is not about me. But friends of mine. Tay Tawan...

Anyone who knew about his whereabouts, please do call me

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Anyone who knew about his whereabouts, please do call me. Here is my number - (01151199 - click click click, cannot reach).

Tay had been disappeared since 3 days ago. He only left me a note, saying - "Don't find me. I'll be fine. Just need to go somewhere to clear my mind. I'll return once everything feels better."

A week ago, Tay got stood up at the day of his wedding. The bride -  Namtarn, left him at the altar without giving any reasons why she ran away. I heard that she ran away with a guy... Buuuut... Is she really?

Tay and Namtarn had been together for 7 years. Although I knew Tay much more longer than her, I could sense that she was not the right person for Tay. And a week ago, it's a prove that I was right.

Though I've a little crush with Tay, please don't suspect me that the reason she ran away was because of me. 😑 It's a big no no!

Although I've feeling for Tay, but I'm not the person who wanted to break his heart since I knew how much he loves her. And Tay is straight as a pole... That's why I never told him about my feelings. I don't want to lost him as a friend if this things doesn't work.

Since that day where he got stood up, no one saw or heard any news from him. Even his fans were worrying about him. Tay is not that kind of a man who likes to make his fans worried by his sudden disappeared.

Tay Tawan, wherever you're, I hope you'll be fine. Don't skip your meals and I hope you will comeback soon.

I miss you peng...

Again, if anyone know about his whereabouts, please do tell me... 🥺 Gonna give him a hug...


[Author's notes]

Please do tell me your thought... 🙂

Don't forget to vote and add this book to your library... 😘

Stay safe and I love you all! 🥰

Eng is not my first language. So I'm sorry if my writing su*k.. 😂

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