💌 5. Stay

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New woke up upon hearing the loud growling sound beside him. He still in his half-awake. When he tried to move his leg, it touched something else. Suddenly, he got panicked. So, with his eyes still shut tightly, he immediately kick whatever his leg just touched. "WHAT are you?!"

He opened his eyes and immediately sat up only to realize that he just kicked a person. Not just any person, but the new friend of him - Tay.

Tay groaned and touched his back as he sat up. "Aww! Why can't you wake me up like a normal person?!" Thanks God the height between the bed and the floor were not that high, or else he probably will get a broken back after healed his sprain ankle. "Ow my waist!" He hurriedly lied back down and massage his waist.

"Newwiee is s-sorry." New apologized and bit his lips in embarrassed. "Newwiee forgot that you're sleeping here."

Seeing New's face right now who was in the verge of crying, Tay immediately sat up. "I'm fine. Don't worry. What time it is?"

"Almost noon...maybe." Judging New as he looked at the bright light outside the window.

Both of them waking up lazily and get out of the room. There's Granny who was sitting at and rest on her armchair. Once she saw Tay and New, she immediately straighten up her back.

"Good morning, Granny!" Ran New to hug her.

"Had a good sleep?" She asked New and New just nodded his head.

"How about Tay?"

"Granny ask you...if you have a good sleep or not?" New deliver the question to Tay.

"Yea, I've got a really nice sleep after a long time." Said Tay honestly but New just rolled his eyes, thinking that Tay being over with his answer. Actually,  New doesn't have any clues that since the ruin wedding day, Tay hardly had a proper sleep. And weirdly, Tay had a good sleep last night. He himself couldn't understand - was it because he was sleeping next to New?

"Wash up and get some breakfast."

"How about you, Granny? Have you had your breakfast? Newwiee sorry for waking up late." New pouted.

"I already eat. It's nearly 11 now. You and Tay must have slept really well." She teased.

Tay who doesn't understand why New's face suddenly turned red just smiled at the sight. New always looked cute whenever he get blushing.

"Te, let's eat breakfast first. Then, Newwiee will walk you home."

Tay nodded his head heavily. Deep inside, he wanted to stay here for some more time. Probably because he was getting bored staying alone at the house and got nothing else to do except reading. That must be it, right?

They went to the kitchen and eat their breakfast in silences. New always been this quite as he doesn't like to talk when eating. But not for Tay. He couldn't stand the silence anymore, so he asked New. "Do you have any plans after this?"

"Hm? I... I've works to do."

"Oh? What kind of job did you do here?"

"Just...this and that."

Tay furrow his eyebrows, confused. "What job is that?"

"Just helping the villagers with this and that. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. If you're free, I want to ask you to bring me walking around the village. Mae Pook said that there's a lot of beautiful views here. I want to take some photos as a memory before going back."

There were sadness in New's eyes. He knew that day would come. That day when Tay will left him all alone.


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