💌 17. Jealousy

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"Newwiee~ I'm home!"


When Tay arrived at his condo, there's no sign of New at all. He glanced around the kitchen only to see a quiet and neat kitchen instead of seeing New in his pink apron preparing something for Tay everytime he arrived home. New also not in the living room watching TV as he always did. And it more strange because New didn't wait for him with a hugged as soon as Tay opened the main door.

Where is he? It's impossible that New already gone to sleep this early.

Taking a stride to his bedroom, he heard a faint voice inside the room. He glue his ear to the door and heard New's voice talking to someone.

Who is he talking? Talking to himself?

Then, he reached the doorknob and opened the door quietly. He saw New was sitting at his studying table while turning the papers over and talking on phone at the same time. To state exactly, he was talking in an amused way and chuckling now and then to whoever that person he was talking to on the phone.

Wait! Talking on the phone?! He rarely used his phone except calling and sending messages to me. So, with who he is talking to?

Seeing this unfamiliar scene, an unknown feeling appeared in his chest and it kind of makes him choked up. One thing he sure of, he doesn't like to see what was in front of him now.

Then, New ended the called with a cheerful "Goodbye!" and "See you tomorrow!". New stood up from his chair and when he turned his back, he got shocked to see Tay standing in front of the door.

"Te!" He smiled widely and ran to hug him. "Why you didn't tell me you are coming home? I'm sorry I didn't hear you coming in."

Truthfully, Tay already send a text to New that he was on his way to home as the filming finished early, but maybe New was too busied with the phone call until he didn't realize a message came in.

New started to notice Tay's unusual quietness and he looked at Tay with a questioning looked. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well? Tired? You look kinda strange..."

Tay just shook his head before free himself from New's hugged.

"Te, have you already eat? Do you want me to cook you something?"

Tay just waved his hand as a 'No' before he get out from the bedroom and headed towards the bathroom, purposely closed the door with a loud bang. He wanted to collect his thought and the only place he could think of was the bathroom.

Actually, he was hungry. He still didn't have his dinner because he wanted to eat together with New. He thought New did prepared the meal but now he understood why the kitchen looked so neat.

How long did he talk on the phone and forget about me?

Tay leaned his back towards the door. He knew New was also standing at the other side of the door, being dumbfounded by his action. Tay knew he was being childish and acting like a sulking child, but he cannot help. Now he understood what was the unknown feeling that appeared in his chest which making him choked up.

I am jealous...

I am being jealous because of Newwiee smiling not because of me, but because of another person.

I am being jealous because of the truth that I cannot hide him away from other people forever dawned upon my mind.

He turned on the faucet after took off his clothes and let the cold water flow over his body.

As soon as he exit the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, a yummy stew smell welcomed him. He headed towards the bedroom without sparing a glanced at New who was busied at the kitchen.

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