💌 8. Painful truth

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"Granny hasn't come yet." New pouted as his eyes looking out of the window.
He rubbed his stomach which was growling in hunger since minutes ago. "Newwiee is hungry."

Tay stood by his side and caressed his boyfriend's hair. "Do you want me to cook you something?"

New smiled widely before he nodded his head. "Newwiee wants to eat ramyeon! The one you just bought at the market."

"Ok. I'll cook it for you. While waiting, you can play some games." Said Tay and took out his smartphone and gave it to New.

Being an obedient boy, New sat down at the floor with Tay's phone in his hands. Meanwhile, Tay headed to the kitchen to cook something for New. He doesn't like to see his boyfriend holding his hunger while waiting for Granny.

From time to time, New sometimes stretched his neck to peek at his boyfriend who were busied at the kitchen. He couldn't hide his smiled when watching how serious Tay looked like while chopping the cabbage. Then, he focussed again to the gadget.

New played games of searching hidden objects, he looked so serious; his face was too closed to the phone screen as if by doing that could help him finding the hidden object more easily. "Don't get too close with the phone." Said Tay and pushed New's arms down. New got startled, didn't realize when did Tay comes.

"Hey, your ramyeon!" New reminded him of what he's doing right now.

"It won't take long." Said Tay as he sat in front of New and stared at his world. Seems like he couldn't take his eyes off from New.

New who realized Tay was staring at him just let him be. Not until a strange smelt invaded his nostrils. "Do you smell something burning?" He asked curious and continued sniffing.

"That's my heart burning for..." Tay doesn't have a chance to finish his flirting as New already get up abruptly.

"My ramyeon!" New shrieks and ran to the kitchen. Too bad it's too late to save the food. "Oh my God!" New could only wail in front of his burnt ramyeon.

"Alright! Chillax!" Said Tay to calm New down, in fact he himself needed to calm down first. "Everything is under control! I'll just make you another one. Don't worry. It'll be ready in a minute." He murmurs incoherently and almost burn his own hands, but thankfully New stopped him on time.

"Nope! You easily get distract! Move! You're off! I'll cook!" New proceeds and threw away the wasted food.

*Knock Knock Knock*

The knocked on the door interrupted the bickering love birds. "That must be Granny!" New immediately walked to open the door.

Once he opened the door, a gasped of shocked escaped from his mouth. "What happen to Granny?!"

"She fell while working." Said the villager who were piggyback her.

"Working?! Granny is working?!"


Tay's POV

I've never seen New get this angry. He kinda looked scary when he is in mad, like you never expected a kitten suddenly turned into a tiger in just a blinked of eyes.

Granny lied to him. All this time, where he thought she went out to visit her husband's grave, was actually a lied. She didn't go visiting his grave as she claimed to, but actually she was going to work.

Why she is working? She still didn't want to tell New.

According to what the villager told us - Mr.Ak, she is been working for ages for his family. She was helping Mr.Ak and his wife making handcrafts so they can sell it at downtown. And she is been asking them to keep it as a secret from Newwiee.

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