💌 6. Kiss

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🧒 Tay's POV

"New, what if I say that I will stay here and will not leave you, never?"

We both went silent once I blurted out those words. Even I cannot believe myself with what I've just said. I just felt like I did not want to leave him that's why I said those words without thinking much.

We stared into each other eyes. And I could see the shocked plus confusion in his face. It seem like he still trying to digest the meaning behind my words.

After a few minutes of silence, he finally opened his mouth. "D-Dont... Don't say the word 'never' that easily."

Weirdly, I feel the strong urge to make him believe my words. I knew I might face a difficult time in the future from the result of saying those words, but at this moment, I just want to forget everything except proving him that I did mean everything what I've said.

I'm not sure since when did it start, but I think I've develop some feelings for him. But I'm still confused what kind of feelings was that. It still blurry to me. Since I met him, he always occupied my mind. I don't even remember my ex-fiance anymore! With New's presence, I feel completed. I did not know how did he do it, but what he did to me make me realized that he was an important person in my life and I doesn't want to let him go. Perhaps, did I fall in love with him?

So, I'm gay?!

I shiver to think about that. Me, Tay Tawan, for 27 years of my life, not even a second I'm being attracted to a man. But, since I knew him, he always there inside my mind. However, if the feelings which started to develop was really the feeling of love, I don't mind being in love with a man since I feel happy around him.

"We're coming from two different worlds." He mumbled quietly before sighed heavily. I immediately held his hand and said, "I can say 'never' easily if I have a strong desire to make it true. And I'll prove it to you." He seem like caught of guard because of my determined expression.

He just lower his head and said nothing but just stared at my hand which was caressing his. I was waiting nervously for him to reply me. It just a minute or two but the silences felt like an hour to me!

"You know..." Finally, I could hear his voice again. "...your words are quite strange for saying that to a friend like me... We've been friends since couple of days ago... There will be a time that we've to be apart from each other...and go on our own ways... I don't know if your 'never' and mine have the same meaning or not."

"New, I don't know how the future will be, but isn't it enough that I promise you that I will never leave you?"

"No, Te. You will make me misunderstood. Your life is not here with me. So that's why I'm sure you can't keep that promise. And besides, if we found our love one day and get married with our own girl, we will began to being apart. So don't say the word 'never' that easily."

"What if I say I want to live with you till death separate us?" I said with lots of determination.

Again, I make him caught off guard. "B-But... we're both men and it isn't right to--"

I didn't give him chances to finish his words as I immediately pulled him into my embraces. He seem to be shocked at my sudden action and I could feel how his body suddenly get tense.

"Can you not argue with me just this one time, hm?"

He tried to push me away but I tightened the hugged instead. "Don't ask me too many questions...because I don't know many answers to reply. For sure, I will never leave you, no matter what happen."

"Te! I can't breathe."

"Promise me you won't ask me anymore."

"I... I won't."

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