💌 10. Missing you

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- Three weeks later -

🧒 Tay's POV

I stared at my phone screen during a filming break. I've been doing this for countless times in the past 3 weeks. I was hoping one name - Newwiee, pop up on my phone screen. He still hadn't call me yet since the day I left him.

I wonder if he broke or losing his new phone, but knowing he's not a clumsy person like me, the possibility was almost zero. But, if so, why he still hadn't call me even once in these damn three weeks?! Doesn't he know I'm on the verge of losing my sanity thinking about him all the time?

After left the village, I spent the first week at the hospital, taking care of Grandma Nart. Her condition worsened and it affected her health so much because of what happened. But now she's fine already, although she looked more thin than before. When I returned home, my dad scolded me for leaving without any notices. But my mom understood why I left without informing them. Meanwhile, my older sister and brother always cheer me up. They knew I'm not having my slept well and doesn't have much appetite lately and always sat alone. If only they knew that I felt distress was not because of Namtarn, but because I miss Newwiee so much.

And then the next two weeks, I finally returned to work again. Because I realized if I did nothing, I felt like I'm punishing myself from leaving New behind. It tortures me waiting for his called. So now, I just drain my energy with works - filming and filming until late night. My fans also understood me. They never talked about the damn wedding and acted like nothing had happened. They continued supporting me as always. I did not know how should I thanked Chaobaan - my fans. Beside my family, my fans were also became my strength to always keep going forward.

As for Off, I'm not sure but I feel like he slowly distances himself from me. Since I told him that I date Newwiee, he kind of avoiding me.

Today, it's my last filming for the new series. And tomorrow, I finally had my free times; means no schedules and finally had my me-time.

I decided to go to the village tomorrow, to meet New. I wondered if he was okay or not, even the worst scenario like him having an accident while working often gets into my head. That's probably why he couldn't call me. But, I doesn't want to occupy my mind with negativity. That's why I decided to meet him tomorrow. I hope he is just fine.

But since the past days, whenever I think about him, I felt like there's something squeezing and ripping my heart. I even go to the hospital to do a check up but they said there's nothing wrong with my heart. So, why I'm feeling suffocating like this? Is this a sign that New was not fine? Can our heart really tells us that?

I let out a sighed and sighed again. I couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. I needed to see him as soon as possible.

"Phi, your sigh might turn to a tornado if you don't stop now."

I looked at my side and saw Neo, my co-actor take a seat beside me.

"The director calling for you, P'Te."

I furrow my eyebrows and then gritted my teeth. I stood up from my seat and glared at him, "Don't you dare calling me 'Te'! My name is Tay! Not Te!"

Only one person can called me Te. And that's Newwiee and only Newwiee.


"Aaand cut!" The director clapped his hands as a sign that he was satisfied with the acting. And it's means that was the ended of the filming.

"Don't go home yet! Let's wrap the filming with party!" The director said and everyone cheer loudly.

"Tay, you're coming right?"

Tales of the heart (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now