💌 20. Resentful

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"Let's break up."

"WHAT?!" Tay's eyes widened looking at New in disbelief. Those words came out of nowhere and it succeed making Tay's heart jumped out from his chest.

"I said let's break--"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Tay didn't let New finish his words. "Why you want to break up?! Why so sudden?! What's my fault?! Are you angry at me for confessing about us to the public?!"

"It needs two people agreement to stay in the relationship." New said calmly, as if he already prepared his speech.

"And it also needs two people to agree for a break up! And I SAID NO!"

"I could always dump you."

"NEW THITIPOOM!" Tay had to put down the glass he was holding on the table because right now he felt the urge to smash something or threw something to someone's face.


"Why you want to end us?! What do you think I am?! Some worthless thing that you can throw away everytime you want?! When you need me, you make me promise not to leave you, but when you don't need me anymore, you throw me like a piece of garbage! Where's Newwiee who told me about the trust he give me?! Just like you, I'm giving you all my trust too and this is how you're going to break me?!" Tears streamed down to Tay's cheeks but instead, he laughed. "New, I swear I love you so much." He said in the middle of his laughter. "But why you have to do this cruel thing to me? Why you have to tear me apart again after healing me?" He hided his face with his palms and sobbing harder.

And Tay realized that the reason he fell for New was not because of his eyes, his smile, his voice, or any physical reasons. But it was his soul. It was the way New's unselfish nature motivated him to know him better and then gave himself to love New completely. Tay aware it still too early to start a new relationship after got separated with Namtarn, but with New, he didn't want to waste any second. That's why he easily opened up his heart for New once realized how his heart had been attached to him. When you opened up your heart to someone, you run the risk of falling in love with them. And that's what Tay do. But he didn't know New would break him up this easily and this sooner.

His legs went jelly as he dropped to the floor and continued sobbing. New who couldn't see Tay get broken like this immediately get down on his knees and pulled Tay to his embraced. "I'm s-sorry..." New said between his sobs. "I'm sorry for saying that... I was w-wrong... I don't want to break up with you... P-Please forgive me, Te." He tightened the hugged to let Tay knew he wasn't going to let him go. "I didn't mean to say that... I got blind by my own ego. I'm sorry, Te."

Tay looked at him in doubt. New wiped the tears from Tay's cheeks and looked at him apologetic. "I will never leave you, Te. I'm sorry for saying about breaking up."


"I promise."

And Tay immediately hugged New again. He tightened the hugged, almost crushed New's body with his tight embraced, making New let out a whimpered. Hearing the whimpered of pain from New, Tay immediately broke the hugged and just stared at New's face.

Then, New stroke Tay's hair and wiped the tears on his cheeks again before kissing Tay's forehead, the tip of his nose, his cheeks, then he just stopped all his movements and just stared at Tay's face like he couldn't get enough of the view.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't leave me, New."

"I'll not."

And Tay hugged New once again, but this time with more gently. He hide his face in the crook of New's neck and inhaling his scent. Then, he started kissing and sucking the white skin and left a trace of red mark. "I want to punish you so badly for making me crying." Whispered Tay and licked New's earlobe sensually making New to let out a moan and breathed in satisfaction.

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