💌 1. Hello, Newwiee...

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🧒 Tay's POV

3 days...

I've been here, at Pha Pun Dao..for 3 days now.

No one knew I was in this unknown village except Mae Pook, the head maid of Viho's family, since this place was her village. I got to stay here thanks to her.

A week ago, I, Tay Tawan, and the soon-to-be husband, had never thought that I would spend my time alone at an unknown village. I usually hate to be alone, and am always fond of other's companion, especially my closed friends like Off, Arm, and people who I work for, and my fiance.

Or should I said ex-fiance who ran away and stood me up at the altar.

That really hurts me. So fucking hurts. Not only my heart, but my esteem, my pride, and my images. I always being proud of her everytime someone asked about us, I didn't even try to hide our relationships to public, and everytime she get bash by some of my fans, I always defend her. But... Why did she have to make me like this? Why did she left me at the day we were supposed to get marry? What's my fault?

We had been together for 7 years. She had a nice character, got excellent academic background, comes from a wealthy family, and she was the most understanding person who I ever met. We were happy for all this years. We love each other although we met through a blind date. We face everything together. There were nothing that I do not like about her. For me, she was perfect. She was my everything.

So, my heart was in pain when she left me suddenly without said anything. On top of that, at the day of our wedding. That stabs my chest everytime I think about it.

I was so ashame for getting stood up at the altar. Everyone witness it; my family, my friends, my fans, the medias. I couldn't help but to cry in my knees. I looked so pathetic.

Because of her, she ruined the perfect life that I always dreams of since I was young.

Now everyone talked about Tay Tawan, a top actor who got stood up by his bride.

2 days after that, I lock myself in my room and tried to get myself drunk. But still the alcohol couldn't make me forgot what had happen. Yet I could hear how my fans and the others giving me a pathetic looked. I don't like that... Tay Tawan is not a pathetic man!

The result was I ended up in this remote village. Mae Pook's house was tiny, but it was comfortable enough to sleep, things I really needed from the past days.

Actually, I'm not totally alone because there's Phupha, the Chief Forest Officer, who actually Mae Pook's adopted son. He looked for the house and sometimes did household chores for me and even brought me meals. But, he rarely talked to me which I'm being thankful for not being asked any questions. The only questions he always asked was the greetings and what I want to eat. Though he seem a bit younger than me, but I couldn't help but to talk with manner as if I was talking to an old man. I never seen his smile too.

During my staying at the village, I just read books, eat, and sleep. No using of social medias since there's no signal. You have to go to the town if you wants to make a call. And that's also the reason why I was here. I don't want anyone to interrupt me during my 'healing time.'

Mae Pook told me that Pha Pun Dao had great view and scenery, which could help me calm my mind and heal my heart. But, I don't have any moods to go outside and go sightseeing.

But after 3 days hiding inside the house, I've reach my limit. I got bored with my routines of reading, eat, and sleep.

And now here I am, alone, sitting on a big rock, while watching the sun set of the mountain in front of me. It took me 30 minutes from the house and the route was not that easy since it was a forest. But it worth it. The scenery up here was indeed so beautiful.

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