💌 12. HBD Tay Tawan!

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The next morning, New woke up in confused and got a little bit panicked since he was in unfamiliar place. But, once he saw Tay sleeping next to him, he finally breathe out calmly.

Last night, New fall asleep while resting his head on Tay's shoulder when they were inside the taxi; on their way to Tay's condo. Since New slept like a baby, Tay doesn't have a heart to wake him up. So, he carry New gentle in a bridal style until arrived at his condo. He put New down on his bed, staring all night long at how peaceful New's face looking like when he was asleep. Finally, New was back in his arms, safe and sound.

After a long time, New finally able to sleep peacefully, must be because of the man beside him. He realized that he woke up not feel tired at all unlike the past days since his Granny passed away. He also wakes up with no tears brimming in the corner of his eyes like during that time when he knew his parents had gone forever. Instead, he woke up felt refreshed, collected, and somewhat whole.

He stared at Tay's sleeping face. He miss him, so much, that he thought he was going to be crazy. He scoot closer and put his arm around Tay's waist and buried his face to Tay's broad chest, while inhale Tay's familiar unique scent and listened the calming heartbeat which sound like a beautiful melody in his ears.

He remembered how his heart almost stopped beating once he saw Tay standing across him last night. He doesn't know how to react; to be delighted or to cry on the spotted. So, he just stood still until Tay running to come to him. Only God knew how glad he was to see Tay last night. After knew how popular Tay was, he thought Tay must be already forgot about him. But, now, Tay was lying beside him, proves that Tay was a man of his words.

New subconsciously tightened his hugged around Tay.


"You're not only wake me up but will wake up my member too." Said the deep morning voice.

Shifting his gaze upwards, New's eyes met Tay's dangerous one. Dangerous because it was full with naughty shimmer across that particular black orbs. But, with New's naiveness, of course he doesn't know what danger was ahead of him.

New looked around the room, and saw no one. So, he asked Tay. "What member? Did your friend sleep inside this room too? But I see no one's here."

Tay only chuckled awkwardly before he pecked New's forehead. "Good morning, Newwiee~" He gritted with a wide smile.

"Morning too, Te~" New answered with red dots appeared in his cheeks, causing Tay to pinch the cheeks right away. Not chubby anymore, but Tay promised to return those chubby cheeks on New soon.

They stared into each other's eyes without exchanging words. The next seconds, unstoppable nips and bites spread along New's white neck. Of course, he was shocked by what Tay did, but the only thing he could do was only to close his eyes, enjoying the lips that tracing his neck. Tay got morning woods, so please understood why he suddenly became horny early in the morning. 🙃

But, when New felt Tay's hands pinned him down and felt the weight on top of him, he immediately opened his eyes and stopped Tay who was about to enter his hand under New's shirt.

"D-Don't... I..." New stuttered as he avoided Tay's eyes. He was so embarrassed. He wasn't ready for this.

Tay who understood that immediately let him go and lied next to him. He closed his eyes, tried to control himself, and cursed himself for almost forcing New.

"You owe me a lot, you know? For not calling me and makes me worried."


"So... How will you repay me?" Tay turned his head to his side, looking at New who already stared at him first. He saw a glimpse of hesitation in New's eyes. The next thing he knew, his lips had been captured by New.

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