💌 9. Leaving

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Off's eyeballs moved to left and right, following Tay who was walking back and forth in front of the house. He already told Tay that Grandma Nart was admit to the hospital due to malnutrition and lacked of sleep.

She lost her appetite gradually since Tay gone and had insomnia because she kept worrying about Tay's whereabouts and his condition. Her extremely anxious pilling up into stress causing her to collapse and ended up at the hospital.

Tay kicked the grass in frustration. He blamed himself for what had happened to his grandma. He was being too selfish. He only think about his own pain and forgot about his family who were also suffered from the equal amount of pain and shame plus worries of his whereabouts.

"Just because of one woman, I've become a bad son and grandson to my family."

He seriously needs to go back so that his family - especially Grandma Nart, finally stopped being worried about him.


How about Newwiee?

Yea, New came into his mind once he decided to go back. It feels just like yesterday that he promised New and Granny that he would never leave New and promise not to make him feel lonely. He knew he have to go back home since he still had his family waiting for him, but he never expect that day would come this sooner.

Now, he was in a complete dilemma.

"Aaarghh!" He pulled his hair in frustration.

Off finally decided to step in. "What are we waiting for? We have to go now, Tay."


Off was taken aback by the sudden yelled. As Tay realized that he just shouted at Off, he place his hands on Off's shoulder and looked at him apologetic. "I'm sorry, peng..."

"Tell me what's on your mind."

Tay wanted to explain but he didn't know where should he started. So, he just kept opening his mouth only to close it again.


"Can we wait for Newwiee?" He looked at Off desperately. "We will go back...once I bid my goodbye to him."


New skipped cheerfully on his way to home. Sometimes he whistles and sometimes he's singing. He was in his happy mood.

"Newwiee can't wait to get Off Jumpol's autograph! Yoohooo!" He fastened his stepped, wishing that he could fly so that he reached home faster.

In his P.O.V, he thought that Off's arrival in this village just to visit Tay. Hey! Remembered that New still did not know that Tay came here because he was running from his life!

New already saw his house from a far. He saw Off and Tay were in front of the house too, thinking that both of them were waiting him for good.

He waved his hands to them and continued to run to reach his house.

Once arrived, he greeted Off first. But, Tay's sudden hugged stopped him.

"Te? What happen? Can you let me go? Someone is watching us."

"J-Just stay like this...for a moment...please..."

New heard the trembled voice. So, he just nodded his head before wrapped his arms around Tay's waist, patting Tay's back softly.

After a few minutes, Tay's mind became calmer than before. So, he slowly released his embraced and then looking straight into New's eyes. New stares back with a confused and questioning expression.

Tales of the heart (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now