💌 14. Vacation

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The ringing phone woke Tay and New up from their dream. New released his arm from hugging Tay so Tay could move to get his phone on the bedside table. Still being half-awake, Tay stretched his arm to reach for his phone. He hold the bright screen to his squinting face and saw his manager's name on the screen.

📞 "Hello P'Yui..." He answered with his hoarse voice.

📞 "Sorry to wake you up. I just want to inform that I put your fans gifts with your condo's security guard."

📞 "Got it, phi. I'm sorry for leaving so sudden yesterday."

📞 "It's okay. Have a good break. Oh ya! By the way, about the viral picture at Twitter, don't bother to answer anything."

After her reminder, she bid her goodbye and ended the called. Tay looked at the time on the screen.


He turned his head to look at New who was sitting on the bed with his back leaned to the headboard.

"Good morning, Newwiee."

"Uhm..." New answered while rubbing his sleepy eyes. He get down from the bed and yelped in pain while hand touching his own bums.

Tay looked at him worriedly. "Are you okay?"

New just tsk-ing at him before continued to walk and get out from the room with slightly limping.

Tay held his head which was thumping since then. He rubbed his temple and a memory from last night started to come back to his mind one by one. He remembered how good and crazy the birthday party last night, and he remembered the smiled on New's face who was getting comfortable to be in his circle of friends, and he remembered about him pinning New down on the bed--


"18 minutes left..."


"I want you to make me cum in 18 minutes."

Tay's eyes went widened before he turned his head towards the door.

Did something happen last night?

Did we really do it?

Is that why New look in pain?

He looked down at his clothes and he didn't have any memory of changing his clothes into pajamas last night. But he didn't have any memories either doing 'it' with New.

Aww! Wait! Why did I feel pain in my member?

"Aish! What happen last night?! Why I can't remember anything?!" He pulled his hair in frustrated which only resulting him getting more headache.

After so much debating by himself, he finally decided to get out from his room and met New to ask directly at him the questions he had in his mind.

He saw New at the kitchen, preparing something for their breakfast. With New's back facing him, he could saw how New continued to rub his ass from time to time.


The said name got startled by the voice and he immediately turned his back to face Tay. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry..."


"Is it hurts? Did I'm being rough last night?"


Soon, New felt heat rising in his face when he remembered what happen last night and Tay who saw New's face reddened immediately looking at him apologetic. "I'm sorry for hurting you. But I'll be responsible for my action. Why don't you just wait at the dining table while I'm cooking? You're still in pain when walking, right? But, how does it feel last night? Am I make you feel good? How many rounds did we do it? Did I make your hole bleeding? Should we go see doctor? Did I--"

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