💌 11. You're not alone

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(Author's notes)

For those who haven't read my book - (Mr. Bodyguard is mine) are not allow to enter this area. 😤 The book already complete but why you still not reading it? 😒

Hihihii! 🤭 Chill! I'm just kidding... 😜

Since today is P'Tay's birthday, I'm going to give you a DOUBLE UPDATE! 😉 Yeaaay!!!!

Since today is P'Tay's birthday, I'm going to give you a DOUBLE UPDATE! 😉 Yeaaay!!!!

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Look at New's effort to cover their drinks with stickers. 😂 How cute! And Tay replied to his post, thanking him for the delicious ice cream? 😆 Really?! Now, they've return... 🥰

And Newwiee's video greeting for Tay's bd makes me choke up in tears! 😭


Alright, let's continue with the story!



📞 "Te..."

📞 "What?"

📞 "Now... I'm at the Bangkok Bus Terminal."

📞 "So? ... WAIT! WHAT?! What did you just said?! Bangkok Bus Terminal?! You're at Bangkok right now?!"

📞 "I'm afraid Te. It's so d-dark and no one's here... C-Can you pick me up?"

The picture of New being alone and being afraid made Tay left everything behind. By the time he realized, he already get out from his condo and headed towards the elevator in hurried.

"Don't go anywhere! Stay where you're! I'm coming as soon as possible!" He said in panicked.

"F**k! Where's taxi when I need them the most?!" Tay cursed when he got no sight of taxis in front of the building. Usually, there will be so many taxis line up around the area, but unluckily, there's no sight of them at all. Right at this moment, Tay regretted so much for always failed to get his driving licensed. Probably because of his easily-startled or jumpiness, that's why getting a licensed was like a war to him. Normally, if he wanted to go anywhere, he just need to inform his driver, or sometimes he will going by a taxi, or by carpooling, or get picked by his manager. But right now...

"Haah! Me and my luck!" Tay sighed heavily.

"Te, calm down please..." The other line said with his soft voice. Hearing New's voice succeed making him calm down.

"Oh! Taxiiii!" Tay's waved his hand excited once saw the car coming towards him.

"New, I'm coming to you. Wait na. I'll arrive in minutes! Don't hang up the phone! And can you stay among the crowd? Don't stay by yourself!"

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