💌 16. Tay's father

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🧒 Tay's POV

The piercing sound of the alarm clock brought me back from the dead of sleep. I started to wriggle and stretch within my cosy, warm, haven that is my bed. I turned off the alarm clock and stretch my arm beside me only to find the empty spotted. As usual, Newwiee had wake up already but I still feel the presence of his body warmth lingering over the bed sheet. I grabbed his pillow and hugging it as I inhale the scent of his shampoo in deeply. Strange, we're using the same kind of shampoo but where did he got this baby smell from?

Suddenly, kind of good smell stimulates my nostrils and sound of chopping board getting me back to my conscious mind. I pulled myself up from the bed and walked out from the room to see the love of my life.

I walked to the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Newwiee's waist and leaned my head on his shoulder. He still with his pajamas but his natural scent was addictive enough to breathe in.

"Good morning, New."

"Morning too, Te."

He continued preparing dishes while going back and forth to the counter and the table with me still back hugging him, clinging into him like a panda.

"Te~ Can you let me go and take a seat?"

"No." I said firmly and tightened my hugged instead.

After struggling for next seconds, at last, both of us sat at the dining table and start to have our breakfast. Then, in the middle of having breakfast, New suddenly stopped eating and put his spoon down and looked at me.


"Can I ask you something?"

I gave him a questioning looked and looking at his serious expression makes me worried. "Shoot it."

He licked his lips before said, "Can you pay me for cooking and doing housework for you?"

"WHAT?!" I unconsciously yelled at him after heard his absurd request. He wanted me to pay him for cooking and doing housework? FOR ME? His boyfriend?

"Why? Do you want to buy something? If so, just tell me... I'll buy it for you... But, if you're asking money like this, you'll become a kind of housekeeper...like what my mom said."

"Actually, I get this idea from what she said. I can get some money from you by cooking and doing housework...because I don't know what jobs I could find in this city since I don't have good educational background...and...I don't think you'll allow me to work even if I find one."

"Tell me, why did you need money? What did you wants to buy?"

"No! I don't need anything... Just... I want to take...uhm...university entrance exam and I need money to buy books and tuitions. That's why...I'm thinking about ways to get money..." He looked down at his laps. His frightened and worried expression makes me wanted to ruffle his hair and pinch that chubby cheeks so much. At the same time, I let out a chuckled.

"Newwiee, if you needs money to take university entrance exam, just tell me directly. You're making me confuse...by asking for money from doing housework and cooking out of the blue. I'm not hiring a housekeeper here. I'm living with my boyfriend and supporting his education. I'll pay for your tuitions and books, of course."

The smile in his face returned. "If so, can you just assume it as lending some money to me? I'll pay it back when I get a proper job."

"Yah! Do I look like a stingy man?! I'm your boyfriend and your guardian, I'll take care of your needs!"

"I know that. But... I don't want you to think that I'm squeezing your money--"

"Newwiee! Come here!" He immediately stood up and walked to me. Then, I pulled his waist and makes him sat on my laps. "Why do you think like that, uhm? How many times should I said that I'm your boyfriend? I'll support you more than gladly." I said with a soft voice.

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