💌 7. First kiss

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"So...you accept me...as your boyfriend?" Tay asked to confirm.

New stared at him before decided to hold Tay's hand and then place the hand on top of his chest. "Do you feel it? My heartbeat beat so fast because of you."

Tay nodded. Then, he also held New's hand and place the hand on his chest. "Your heartbeat beating in sync with mine. Crazy, isn't it?" Asked Tay amazed.

"You better be serious, Te. If you ever play with me, Newwiee will haunt you for the rest of your life!" New threatened but Tay laughed instead. He didn't feel fear by New's threatened because New looked so adorable right now. So, he couldn't help but to pinch both of New's cheeks. After pinched, he knead the chubby cheeks like a dough.

"Aw Te! It's hurts!"

"Can't help. You're so cute!"

New pouted as he rubbed both of his cheeks. Tay apologized before he caressed New's left cheek while his other hand caressing New's hand. They just stayed like that, without any words exchanging for a few minutes until New started the conversation in a hesitant tone.



"I know you hate question. But let me ask you this one question."

"Shoot it."

"Have you...like a guy before me?"


"Have you ever fall in love with a guy before me?"

"Why did you ask?"

"I'm just curious."

"No... Actually, I almost marry with a girl but that girl ran away at the day we're suppose to get marry."

New gasped in shocked. "So...do you still have feelings for her?"

"Of course no! I've move on!"

"If you and her plans to get marry, then it's not going to be easy to forget about her. That's means the relationship is serious."

Tay scoffed. "She broke my heart. She broke the trust I give her. It's all in the past. Now that I've you, I don't want to think about her anymore."

New sighed heavily.


"What we're suppose to do in this...this kind of relationship? Both of us still new to this."

Tay gave him a soft yet assuring looked before held both of New's hands. "Let's take it slowly. There's no need to rush. We will figure it out together."

New smiled. "I don't know if I'm being too easy for you... But I just want to trust you at this moment... I'll just follow what my heart wants." He said and leaned his head on Tay's shoulder.

"I'm not sure what's waiting ahead of us, but I won't hurt you. I will never leave you, New." Told Tay with his soft voice while stroking New's hair gently.

They stayed like that for awhile until New finally remembered that he needed to go home to cook for his grandma.

"I'll walk you home." Tay said as he got worried if New would hurt himself again because he was walking limping.

"No need. If you walk me home, then I need to walk you home later too."

"How about I'm staying for a night at my boyfriend's house?" Tay grinned mischievously. New looked at him with his shy smiled and his trademark blushing cheeks once heard the word 'boyfriend' from Tay's mouth. He looked too adorable with the rays of the late afternoon sun shining through his face.

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