💌 3. Friend

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🧒 Tay's POV

After staying in the house for the next three days, at last, I can walk again with no difficulty. In these three days, I've spending my times alone, thinking much about Newwiee.

Yes, that boy.

He did not show up anymore and a sense of guilt has been eating me up until now. I did not mean to be rude to him, I love making a new friend, but I don't know why I acted like a jerk that day.

Suddenly, I remembered what Phupa told me yesterday.

"He probably just being excited for meeting someone who's around his age in this village. All his friends in his age left him one by one. Some of them works at the city and rarely comes back, and some continued their studies at overseas, and that left him all alone in this village. The only friends he got here is me and the volunteer teacher, Khun Tian. But since Khun Tian and I are not free for 24/7, he must be feel lonely again for not having someone to talk to. He lives with his grandma, she is already old, she is deaf and mute too. If he can choose, he probably will continue his studied out there just like the others, but since no one can look for his grandma, that's why he still here in this village. As for his parents, I think his mother and father already forgot that they still have a son."

I did not understand what Phupa means when he told me about New's parents, but the guilty inside me had grew bigger as I learn about him.

I decided that if I stayed indoor longer, I cannot escape from self-blaming. I need to meet Newwiee as soon as possible and apologized for hurting his feelings. I knew he means good, he just being friendly to me, but I'm being a jerk brat instead.

But first of all, I need to go to the downtown to make a call. I need to inform Off that I live just fine here so no one make news about me taking my own life. You know how the world work. If someone suddenly disappeared after face a very difficult time, they assumed that person had suicide. I did not want to see any bad articles about me out there just because I got stood up at my wedding.

I was asking help from Phupa to send me to the downtown. But he doesn't have time. So, he had asked one of the villagers - uncle Lan, to send me there instead.

One hour and a half, finally we arrived at the downtown. "Thanks uncle."

"It's fine. I will be waiting you here. Just take your time."

I nodded before get off from the car.

I took out my phone and switched it on. Soon, over 50 messages and 134 miscalls comes up. Most of the texts and the miss calls were from Off, Arm, Alice, my manager, my family, and colleagues from the company.

Then, I immediately called Off. It doesn't take much time for him to pick up.

📞 "Peng?! Is that you?! Thank God you're still alive! Where are you? Everyone is worry about you!"

📞 "I'm fine, Off. I still want some times to be alone here. Maybe, next week I will return home."

📞 "That's good to hear! I will wait for you. By the way, where are you staying?"

📞 "I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

📞 "You don't trust me? That's hurts..."

📞 "That's not what I mean. By the way, I call just to inform you that. That's all. I have to go now."

📞 "What?! Hey, let's talk some more!"

📞 "Next time peng. See ya!"

And I immediately ended the call and turned off my phone again.

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