💌 4. Sleep over

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🧒 Tay's POV

My body got electrifying once New's arms wrapped tightly around me, like a big soft bear hug. His hair tickled my neck, my breathe catching in my throat, and I felt butterfly in my stomach. I was taken back as I wasn't expect that he would hug me.

The warmth of his body did some magical to me, as if all my problems and stress were taken away. I could hear nothing but only his sound of breathing and feel his heart beat against my chest.

Or was this my heartbeat?

Or did our heart just beating in sync?

I had no idea I would feel this way. Being in the embrace of a stranger and feeling so right in his hug. It was as if we're Lego pieces fitting just right. It wasn't my first hug but this was the first time I felt so different and I didn't want to let it end.

So, I move my arms behind his back, wanting to hug him back, but sadly, he let go of his hugged already.

Disappointed? I don't even know why I feel disappointed.

"Granny!" He yelled happily while eyes looked at someone at my behind. And I immediately turned my back only to see an old woman was looking at us with her smile.

Then, Newwiee went to her side and wrapped his arm around her arm. He did some gestures of sign languages, which of course I did not have any ideas what they were talking about.

Before I knew, she was smiling at me and asked me something using sign language.

"Granny ask you to come inside." New explained.

"Oh! Actually, I'm coming here to give..." I immediately pick the grocery bags which I accidentally dropped at the floor because of New's sudden hugged just now. "...this. As a thank you for giving me meals when I injure my leg last time."

Then, New explained to her again.

"Come inside first. Look like it's going to rain soon. And Granny ask you to stay here for dinner." Said New and I couldn't reject their offer when his grandma already pushed me went inside the house.

There's no chair at the living room so I sat on the floor.

"Sorry, my house is--"

"No." I cut him as I knew what he was going to say. "Don't need to feel sorry."

"Thanks for the fruits. Actually, you don't have to give us anything."

"I couldn't come with empty hands. You once told me that your grandma likes to eat fruits."

"Oh! You remember?"

"I remember everything what you told me."

Then, I could see the blush in his face as he suddenly avoided my gazed. "Thank you, Te." He muttered softly.

"And not only that. I bought you something you likes too."

He immediately looked at me with his sparkled eyes. "Something I like? What it is?" He immediately picked the grocery bags and digged his hand inside to search for something. Once he found it, he yelled happily.

"Yeaaay! Newwiee got chocolate! You even remember the brand?!" He asked me excited.

Last time when he treat my sprain ankle, he told me everything about what he likes and what his grandma likes. Though I seem like I do not pay attention, but actually I remembered everything what he told me.

"Grandma! Te buy Newwiee lots of chocolates!" He said excited and his grandma just smiled at him before she looked at me. Though she couldn't speak, but I understood the looked she gave me. So, I just smiled back at her.

Tales of the heart (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now