💌 2. Just a stranger

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🧒 Tay's POV

The sun beaming through the window causing me to stir from my slept. Slowly, I opened my heavy eyelids and rays of sunlight immediately entered my eyes. I groaned when the first beam of sunlight hit my face. My thoughts were still in confused. My back aching from lying on the wooden floor with only a thin blanket as a bed. Now, I miss my king size bed.

I tried to sit up but a whimpered escaped from my mouth when a feeling of pain strikes from my leg. I cursed myself for forgetting my sprain ankle.

I looked down at my leg which got wrapped with a white bandage, which Newwiee put on yesterday. Why did he tied the knot with a ribbon style and in a cute way? By the way, that boy...Newwiee...he was really talkative. He managed to talk about lot of things while his hands busied treating my injured leg. At first, I refused his help as I feel uncomfortable if someone touched me legs. But he was not really a nuisance but also a stubborn. And he also like to argue a lot. Talking to him feel like I'm in debate competition. Uhh... I don't even want to recall what happen yesterday.

I tried to stand up and walked to the washroom to empty my bladder. This was it. The real challenge. Why did they put the washroom outside of the house? Now, how am I supposed to go outside with only one leg without embarrassing myself?

Tell me. Where's the perfect Tay Tawan, uh? Your fiance ran away and now you got a sprain ankle? You're indeed pathetic, Tay Tawan.

Suddenly, there's knocked on the door followed by a familiar voice. "Hey, are you already wake up? Hello! Anyone's home? Are you there?!"

I sighed as I finally remembered that Newwiee promised me yesterday that he will come by this morning to bring me breakfast.

"Hello! Knock knock! Newwiee is here! Open the door! You're not dying right? Oh god! What if he is really dying?!" There's a panicked tone in his voice.

I only shook my head in frustration before answered. "I'm awake already! Wait a minute!" With my one leg, I jumped until my hand reached the door.

Once I opened the door, Newwiee's wide smile greeted me. "Good morning! How's your sleep?"

"Morning. Just...good." I answered shortly. In fact, I couldn't sleep well last night because my leg feel so hurt everytime I move my muscles.

"I bring you breakfast. Grandma cook it and with Newwiee help too of course. And here is painkillers. Newwiee once got a sprain ankle too. And Newwiee cry a lot and can't get enough sleep. But, when grandma told Newwiee to eat this painkillers, it's not that hurts anymore. So, Newwiee thought you will need it too."

I only blinked my eyes couple of times hearing how fast he was talking, almost like rapping! Those sentences he just utter was in one breathe! I feel like I was watching myself. People around me always said that when I talked, I sound like a rapper; so fast as if someone chase me. I don't understand them at first but now I do.

"Just put them on the table." I said and he nodded his head before entered the house. After put the foods and the medicine on the table, he turned to look at me.

And I looked back at him. Confused. What was he waiting? Isn't he suppose to go now? Oh! Or was he waiting for a thank you?

"Eer...thank you, Newwiee."

"You're welcome." He answered with a smile and still continued to look at me.

What? Is there something on my face? A booger? Saliva?

"Hmm, you should go home now..." I finally said it.

"Oh! Sorry if Newwiee annoy you with--"

"No no no! I don't mean you're annoying. Just... Uhm--"

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