💌 21. Blessings

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Sitting at the table, New frowned with concentration as he stared at the letter in his hands. "Pardon. Can you say it once again?" He looked up at the pretty girl who was sitting in front of him.

"Give this letter to Tay. Please help me to let him know why I left him. I don't want him to hate me even more for ruining our wedding."

"Why you didn't tell him by yourself, Namtarn?"

"I've tried. But he doesn't want to listen or believe what I said." Explained Namtarn and wiped her tears away. "I don't want to live in regret anymore and the only thing I want is his forgiveness."

New bit his lips. If Tay knew the reason of his ruined wedding was because of Off - his own best friend who he trust very much, what would happen with their friendship after that? And would Tay planned to start over with Namtarn again?

"New, I know what you're thinking." Said Namtarn and held New's hand on the table. "I will not steal Tay away from you. Though I still love him, but I'm not a stealer in someone's relationship. I just want him to know about the truth. If Off can threaten me the day before my wedding, don't you think he will do something to you too in the future?"

Before New could open his mouth to answer her, someone suddenly gripped his hand which Namtarn was holding and then that someone pulled him to stand up.

New's eyes widened once realized it was Tay.


Tay glared at him and pointed his forefinger right in front of New's face. "You told me that you went for a meeting with your friend from the tuition! So what are you doing here talking with her behind my back?"

"Te, calm down first."

"What's this?!" Snatched Tay away the letter in New's hand. Then, he scoffed at Namtarn. "You're not trying to bribe him with money, don't you?"

A bead of tears escaped from Namtarn's eyes. She looked at Tay disappointed and looked very hurts at what Tay just said. "I-Is that what you think of me now?"

"Te, stop it! She didn't do anything wrong. It's not money like what you think. Why don't you read what's inside first before judging her?"

"There's no need to." He threw the letter to the table. "Whatever it is, I don't want to know and I don't care. You..." He pointed his finger at Namtarn. "...don't ever bother to show yourself in front of me or my boyfriend! There's nothing between us anymore! We're over and I hope we will never meet again!" He said with so much hatred.

Then, he dragged New out from the place.

"Te! Let me go!" New tried to free himself from Tay's gripped in his wrist but to no avail.  "Te!" He yelled again but looked like the other man had turned deaf.

"Te! You're hurting me!"

Once heard that, Tay stopped his stepped and turned around to look at New. "I'm sorry." He caressed New's wrist but New immediately released himself from Tay's touched.

"Do you know what have you done?! Why you have to be that cruel and rude to her?! This is very unlike you!"

Tay shut his eyes and let out a deep breathe, tried to calm himself. "I don't know. I don't know, New. I'm just worry that she might force or threaten you to leave me."

If only Tay knew that the person who was capable of doing that was not Namtarn, but Off.

"You're watching too many dramas, Te. She didn't--"

"I couldn't think of anything except imagining a scene of you wanting to break up with me again." Tay looked down at the ground and New's eyes had turned soften.

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